Xuanqi has the connotation of wisdom, superb skills, and noble character. The original meaning of Xuanzi refers to something profound and difficult to understand. When used in a name, it has the connotation of being clever and wise. It is a very auspicious and beautiful name. The original meaning of chess is the collective name for chess pieces such as Go and Xiangqi. It is used in the name to mean that there is a person with character like chess pieces, and to describe the meaning of superb skills and noble character.
The name is composed of the surname and the given name. A person's surname is generally determined by his or her tribe, and a name is a specific name symbol given to each person by humans to distinguish individuals. It is a symbol that distinguishes individual differences among groups of people through language and written information. Because of names, humans can communicate in a normal and orderly manner, so everyone has a name of their own. Names did not appear until language was produced. Various ethnic groups have many customs in determining people's names. This habit is restricted by many cultural factors such as history, society, and ethnicity. A person's name usually has a certain meaning.