Where is the TimesNewRomanPSMT font?

The fourth file of this epdf document has been modified, but it has not been modified. TimesNewRomanPSMT: The original author wrote something in TimesneRoman font, which is available on all windows machines. Then the author embeds the part of this Z font, 0 in 0 and 5 in 0, into pdf 1, and names it TimesNewRomanPSMT, so 8 is an alias of A, but there is actually no such O-Q T font. Therefore, we can't find 0 g. At present, the way to run 1 is to try to use foxit PDF editor, and first import F font mTimesNewRoman. The text 0 in TimesNewRomanPSMT font will be replaced by timesnewromanpsmt, and the probability of successful replacement is still higher than 6. However, if the original author's tool F is more abnormal than 4 and disrupts the information of the original character set (E is changed to 3 to prevent 7 from being modified), there is no way out. Let this lpdf file 8 rest in peace. WCY м u?u?m Pavilion P Liuzhangpi L Tuozhi zd Publishing House