At that time, Wuqi heard that Wei Wenhou, the monarch of Wei, was very clever, so he came to Wei to serve Wei Wenhou. When Hou Wen heard that Wu Qi had arrived in Wei, he was going to get to know the general who defeated the Qi army not long ago. Hou Wen asked Minister Li Ke about Wuqi. Li Ke replied: "Wuqi is a man who is greedy for fame and lust. However, when he fought with soldiers, he could not surpass him. " So Wei Wenhou took Wuqi as the general, led troops to attack the State of Qin and captured five cities.
As a general, Wuqi wears the same clothes and eats the same food as the lowest-ranking soldiers, sleeps without bedding, marches without riding horses, bears the grain personally, and shares joys and sorrows with the soldiers. One of the soldiers had a poisonous sore, and Wu Qi helped him suck the venom. When the soldier's mother heard about it, she burst into tears. Someone said, "Your son is a soldier, and the general himself prepared the drug solution for him. Why are you still crying? " "That's not why," said mother. General Wu used to take drugs for his son's father. From then on, my father went forward bravely on the battlefield and finally died in the battlefield. Now General Wu is giving drugs to my son. I'm worried that my son won't know where he will die, so he will cry. "
Writing here reminds me of a passage in Sun Tzu's Art of War. "Seeing a pawn as a treasure, you can take it to a deep stream; Seeing a pawn as a son, you can die with it. " Treating soldiers as babies, soldiers can go to dangerous places with generals; Treat soldiers like children, and soldiers can live and die with generals.
The story of Wuqi more than two thousand years ago may be a little far away, and it can't bring me much shock. What shocked my heart was the revolutionary war a few years before the birth of the Republic of China. Our officers and men of the Red Army, the Eighth Route Army, the New Fourth Army and the People's Liberation Army share weal and woe, live and die together, and the army and the people live in harmony. They have done better than the sages, because they have the same firm belief: drive away the invaders, overthrow the reactionaries, build a prosperous and democratic new China, and let the poor people live a better life. Therefore, they have made greater achievements than their predecessors.
Originally writing the story of Wuqi, it was a little too much at once, so let's go further: in the final summary, don't forget your active attitude!