Csgo didn't give the gun a nickname.

Hair dryer Mac- 10, big pineapple Negev, gay gun "scar-20, bird sniper SSG08, car king ump45, curry GalilAR. SG553, commonly known as Handsome 553 or Stupid Dog 553. Because of the damage caused by AWP and single shot, everyone is called a big sniper! G3SG 1, can open the mirror and shoot continuously. Everyone is called RianSniper. XM 10 14, which can spray continuously, is called continuous spray. Truncated shotgun, bandit camp spray, everyone called bandit spray. Negev, everyone calls it the big pineapple. I'll go first. Machine guns with many bullets, not only csgo, are now called big pineapples. Big pineapple, there are many stories. Some people say that the outer elastic chain of M249 in the cs 1.6 era is like a pineapple, but thanks to Diablo II, one of the skills of Diablo BOSS is to shoot two rows of fireballs. Some people say so. The ground is fan-shaped, and this skill is very similar to the bullets of machine guns such as M249.