Introduction to Mr. Krabs

The Crab Crab shop run by Mr. Crab looks like a treasure box. SpongeBob and Squidward are both employees of the Crab Crab (Patrick is a temporary worker), Jin Ge, Zhenzhen He is a former employee of the Krusty Krab; SpongeBob and Squidward also served as acting store managers. This restaurant has been destroyed many times. It looks shabby and small on the outside, but inside there is a complex pipe maze and Mr. Krabs' peeping room.

Name: Krusty Krab (also known as "King Crab")

English: Krusty Krab

Category: Restaurant (Canteen)

Owner: Mr. Krabs (Eugene H. Krabs) Source: Cartoon "Spongebob Square Pants"

Employees: Squidward, Spongebob, James (already Leave)

Sales: Mainly selling Krabby Patties (burgers, usually cooked by Spongebob) and some snacks and drinks.

Excellent experience: As we all know, Mr. Krabs is a guy who is extremely greedy for money. In episode 134, he traveled and found that big hotels were very profitable, so when he returned, he transformed the Krusty Krab into a high-end hotel and became the Krusty Krab Hotel. But then it collapsed with a roar. Became the original Krusty Krab again.

Appearances of the boss and employees: (The one standing on the left is Mr. Crab, and the two cute comrades standing on the right are SpongeBob (right) and Squidward (left))