The old Dragon King gathered all the spirits and asked, "Who stole Master Niu's golden-eyed beast?" All the spirits knelt down and said, "No one dares to steal it. We are all serving wine, holding pla

The old Dragon King gathered all the spirits and asked, "Who stole Master Niu's golden-eyed beast?" All the spirits knelt down and said, "No one dares to steal it. We are all serving wine, holding plates, singing and playing music before the banquet, let alone One person is in front." Old Long said: "Jia Le'er definitely doesn't dare. Has anyone come in?" Longzi Longsun said: "Just when we were sitting down, a crab spirit came here. That was a stranger. "When the Ox King heard this, he suddenly realized, "No need to talk about it! In the morning, when my wise friend invited me, there was a Sun Wukong who came to visit the Flame Mountain and asked me to borrow a banana fan. , he and I had a gambling fight, but I left him and went straight to the event. The monkey was so clever and had so many tricks. I, the beast, went to the mountain wife to cheat on that banana fan!" Seeing this, all the spirits were frightened and asked: "Is it the Sun Wukong who caused trouble in the Heavenly Palace?" The Ox King said: "That's right. If there is anything wrong with you on the road to the west, you must avoid him." The old dragon said: "So what happens to the king's horse?" The Ox King said with a smile: "It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter. Let's disperse. Wait for me to drive him back." Zhai then parted the waterway, jumped out of the bottom of the pool, and rode the yellow clouds to the Bajiao Cave in Cuiyun Mountain. I heard the Rakshasa girl stumbling, beating her chest, and yelling. When she opened the door, she saw the Water-Bearing Golden-Eyed Beast tied underneath. The Ox King shouted: "Madam, where is Sun Wukong?" The girls saw the Ox. The demons all knelt down and said, "Grandpa is here?" The Rakshasa girl grabbed the Bull King, kowtowed to his head, and cursed: "God damn it! How could you be so careless and steal the golden eye with that hozen?" Beast, you took on your appearance and lied to me!" The Ox King gnashed his teeth and said: "Where is the Hozen?" Rakshasa beat his chest and cursed: "That monkey stole my treasure and showed up in his original form. You're going to kill me!" The Ox King said, "Take care, madam, and don't worry about it. I'll catch up with the hozen, take away the treasure, skin him, cut his bones into pieces, and show off his heart to vent my anger on you!" He shouted: "Bring us your weapons!" The girl said: "Grandpa's weapons are not here." The Ox King said: "Bring your grandma's weapons!" The maid held out two green-edged swords. The Ox King took off the crow-green velvet jacket he wore for the banquet, put on a bunch of close-fitting clothes, wielded a sword with both hands, walked out of the Banana Cave, and rushed to the Flame Mountain. It is exactly that: the ungrateful man deceives the infatuated wife; the fierce demon comes to approach the Mucha people.