The surname is Zheng, the middle character is Li, it is a boy, there are two brothers, one is Tong and the other is Xin. Please help analyze the following.

The elder brother’s names are wood and metal respectively, and the younger brother can choose water, fire, or earth.

Water: Zheng Lixi (Stream: taking the meaning of the best water, benevolence and wisdom found in the ordinary), Zheng Lize (Ze: favor; luster), Zheng Liming (Ming: sea, there are fish in the north, showing the child's mind and future (Liaoyuan)

Fire: Zheng Liyan (I am reminded of the great Confucian Zhang Taiyan)

Earth: Zheng Lipei, Zheng Lizhen

And so on, you can look for water, Regarding the characters of fire and earth, I just recommended a few that I think are pretty good. I hope it can give you some inspiration:) Funny~~