I use a long//////for each class!
Abstract human (
Private string name;
Protected string post
Public figures (string names, string posts) (
This.setName (name);
this.post = post
Public string getID(){
Return this.post
Public summary repeat count ();
Public void setName {
this.name = name
Public string getName() {
Returns the name;
Extension of public team leader (
Private string name; //Name
Private string posts; //location
Private int month; //After working for several months, if you are not fixed, you need to set it yourself.
Private bimonthly salary; //What is your monthly salary?
Public leaders (string names, string posts) (
Super (name, title);
this . name = super . getname();
this . post = super . post;
Open double counting () {
Returns getmonths () * getmonths salary ();
Public invalid information () {
System.out.println ("name:"+name+",position:"+",monthly salary:"+getmonthssalary ()+",month with monthly salary of" +getMonths()+ ");
Public invalid setting months (integer months) {
This.months = number of months;
public int getMonths() {
Return month;
Public void sets monthly salary (bimonthly salary) {
this . month salary = month salary;
public double getMonthsalary() {
Return monthly salary;
Open class management promoter {
Private string name; //Name
Private string posts; //location
Private int basicsalary = 800// The basic salary is fixed at 800.
Private double d; //The allowance is not fixed, so you need to set it yourself.
Public management (string name, string post) (
Super (name, title);
this . name = super . getname();
this . post = super . post;
Open double counting () {
return basic salary+getD();
Public invalid information () {
System.out.println ("name:"+name+",position:"+post+",basic salary:"+basic salary+",allowance:" +getD()+ ",monthly salary:"+count ());
Common empty set (double d) (
this.d = d
public double getD() {
Return d;
Extension of public course teachers (
Private string name;
Private string posts;
Private two hours;
Public teacher (string name, string post) (
Super (name, title);
this . name = super . getname();
this . post = super . post;
Open double counting () {
If(this.post== "teaching assistant")//I strongly despise it. The normal writing method is to use the equals () method on the string. You didn't ask for it, so I wrote it.
return 35.0 * this . get hours();
Else if(this.post== "lecturer")
return 45.0 * this . get hours();
return 55.0 * this . get hours();
Public invalid information () {
system . out . println(" name:"+name+",position:" +post+","+get hours()+" class salary:"+counting());
Public empty setting time (two hours)
This.hours = hours;
Public double getHours() {
Return time;
////////////////////////Main entry class//////////////.
Public salary accounting {
Public static void main (strinargs []) {
Team leader = new team leader ("Zhang San" and "Team Leader");
leader . set months( 10);
leader . information();
Management m = new management ("Li Si", "Manager");
m . setd( 1000);
m . information();
/////////Teachers in three different positions////////////////////.
Teacher 1 = new teacher ("Miss Wang" and "Teaching Assistant");
one . sethours( 100);
one . information();
Teacher 2 = new teacher ("Teacher Sun" and "Lecturer");
two . sethours( 100);
two . information();
Teacher 3 = new teacher ("Oriental teacher", "senior lecturer");
Iii. sethours (100);
three . information();
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