Zi, the five elements belong to water, is a simplified three-character character, which means son or daughter, meaning a learned person. There is a saying in ancient times: In November, the Yang Qi is in motion, all things are nourishing, and people think it is good. Pictogram. All the descendants of the Son follow the Son. That is to say, the friendship between gentlemen is as light as water, and it means a person who is well-educated, knowledgeable, talented, and knowledgeable.
Mu, the five elements belong to water. It is a character with a left and right structure, with three points of water on the left and a character of wood on the left. In ancient times, there was a saying: I'll leave the music behind, and I'll go back to sleep with my words. In ancient times, the original meaning was to wash hair, and the deeper meaning was to bathe, benevolent, and receive favors.
The name Zimuxiang means that receiving it will bring you favor and profound blessings. You will not only have broad knowledge and broad mind, but also be rich in knowledge. People with good looks can also have a grand career in the world. , a person who can adapt to life smoothly and live a peaceful life.
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Notes on naming
The first taboo: derogatory meaning
The so-called derogatory meaning means to say something bad. Naming with derogatory words does not meet the requirements of "righteousness and beauty", such as: Xibei, Jique, Tang Shichi, Zhang Luopo, etc. Such names are derogatory, so parents should never use such derogatory words when naming their children. However, from ancient times to the present, people who use "derogatory" names have emerged in endlessly, and we should pay attention to them.
The second biggest taboo: tongue twisters
Some words are very difficult to read, and even more difficult to sound. If you don't do it well, you will be mispronounced or misheard. Such words are also a taboo in baby names. The name is so convoluted that it almost becomes a tongue twister. Such as: Jin Jingqing, Zhang Changshang, Chen Yunlin, etc. This kind of name is neither easy to pronounce nor difficult to listen to, so parents must pay attention to this when naming their children - tongue twisters.