For those born in the Year of the Rooster, the names should have the characters rice, bean, and insect, which signify good fortune, longevity, and prosperity for the family, and wealth and good luck; the names should have the characters wood, grass, jade, and field, which means good fortune and prosperity. Fame and fortune are always there; with the characters moon, human, and 冖, you can live in peace and quiet, with many talents and wisdom, and in a good environment; with the characters mountain, 艹, day, and gold, you have both wisdom and courage, elegance, and honor;
There are the characters for stone, the character for 犭, the character for knife, the character for force, the character for day, the character for unitary, the character for blood, the character for bow, the character for 糳, the character for car, the character for horse, etc. It means that the character is not smooth in childhood or the sex is broken, which is not good for health or people are afraid of cars. Water
Hope this can help you,