Can Hanbok sd Gundam be changed into an adjutant?

I can't change it now. If I want to change it, I can only use the old SD client (Three Kingdoms Edition). It is more troublesome to update after changing the adjutant. ..........

The following is the process of changing the adjutant. ...................

0. File-Newly used 1 100x 1000 pixel background content is selected as transparent.

1. Import material file

2. Use the magic wand tool to buckle the chart.

3. File-The new pixel is not important, and the background content is not important.

4. Use the move tool to move the distorted chart to the new window created in step 3.

5. Adjust the image size of the window in step 3. Image-The image size can be adjusted according to your feeling. Please refer to the friends who made it.

6. Use the Blur Tool to Adjust the Edge Blur Tool is a tool under the eraser, similar to water droplets wiping at the edge of the image.

7. Click the window in step 3 and use the moving tool to move the adjusted image to the position of the window in step 0. See figure 1.

8. Repeat step 1-7 to make an image of the reference map 1.

Click on the window of step 0. At this time, there should be two images in the image you made.

10. Hard work must be saved as a file-save as-choose PNG format.

A picture description will be given above.

Does everyone know below?

1 1. Rename the file to1826.txr.

12. create a file named "txrs" in the "x: \ program files \ 9you \ SD gun online" directory (x is your default installation disk).

The folder of (without quotation marks). This folder does not exist and needs to be created manually.

13 copy 1826.txr to the txrs folder.