Wang Bo is arrogant to others, because he thinks he is very talented and he is hated by his colleagues. There was an official slave named Cao Da who committed a crime. Wang Bo hid him, fearing that things would be exposed, so he killed Cao Da and blocked the source of the news. Later, it was revealed that Wang Bo was sentenced to death, but the emperor was pardoned and acquitted. At that time, Wang Bo's father Wang Fu? Yongzhou secretariat joined the army, because Wang Bo was demoted to rank. In the second year of Shangyuan, Wang Bo went to Jiaodian to visit his father. While crossing the South China Sea, he fell into the water and died at the age of 28.
Pei Hangjian, the former assistant minister of the official department, had the ability to identify talents. Li attached great importance to Yang Jiong, Lu, Irene Wang and Bob, thinking that they would get ahead and be extremely rich. Pei Xingjian said: "Scholars should take a long-term view and put their ability and knowledge first, and their literary talent second. Although Wang Bo and others have literary talent, they are impetuous and superficial. Where can they enjoy the salary of officials? Yang Jiong is calm and quiet, and his position should be at the top of the Chief Executive. The rest are lucky to die well. " Later, as he said.
(from an old Tang book? Volume 190? Shang ")
Father Wang Fu? Because this event is downgraded to address order. Wang Bo went to visit and passed by Nanchang. At that time, Governor Gong Yan had just built a Wang Teng Pavilion. On September 9, he asked his son-in-law to make a preface in advance and show off in front of the guests. So he took out his pen and paper and invited all the guests. No one dared to undertake the task. But in Wang Bo, he readily refused. The viceroy was very angry, got up and left under the pretext of changing clothes. He just sent a small official to peek at Wang Bo's article and report it. The petty official (after reading it) repeatedly reported that the language of the article became more and more strange. Gong Yan was shocked, looked at it and said, "Genius!" Ask him to finish the full text, so the guests were so happy that they stopped. When Wang Bo wrote an article, he didn't think carefully at first. First he grinded a few liters of ink, then drank it to his heart's content, and pulled up the quilt to cover his face. When he wakes up, he can write an article word for word. At that time, people called Wang Bo a "draft by heart".
Like Yang Jiong, Lu and Liu, they are all famous for their articles. They are called "Wang, Yang, Lu and Luo" and "Four Masters" in the world. Yang Jiong once said: "Shame on Lu, shame on Wang." Commentators at that time also thought so.
(Selected from Biography of Talented Talents in Tang Dynasty and New Tang Book? Volume 2 10? Literature and Art)
Wang Bo was only fourteen years old when he wrote Preface to Wang Tengting. Qi Huangong doesn't believe in his talents. Although Wang Bo was present, Gong Yan wanted his son-in-law Meng to write this article, and he had an idea in advance. When (Gong Yan) shuttled back and forth between the guests with a pen and paper, Wang Bo did not refuse to be modest. Gong Yan was very angry. He brushed his clothes (shook his sleeves to show his anger) and got up (left). He sent someone to see how Wang Bo wrote it. For the first time, it was reported that "Nanchang is an old county and Hongdu is a new house". Gong Yan said: "This is also a cliche (just)." The second time, I was told that "the stars are divided into wings and the ground is connected with Lu Heng". Gong Yan hesitated after hearing this sentence. Once again, someone told me that "the sunset and lonely Qi Fei, autumn waters and sky are the same color". Gong Yan stood up in panic and said, "This man is really a genius and should be immortal!" (Gong Yan) So he hurriedly invited Wang Bo to the banquet place, and he tried his best to stop it.
2. Look for Wang Bo in Tang poems, such as Old Tang Books and Talented Persons of Tang Dynasty. The Book of the Old Tang Dynasty originally said that Wang Bo: "When you are six years old, you will not be sluggish. His love for words is similar to his brother and talent. His father and friend Du often called it: the three-bead tree of this king. "
Yang Jiong's Preface to the Collection of Wang Bo said: "When I was nine years old, I read Yanshi's Hanshu, and my fingers were missing ten volumes. At the age of ten, I have mastered the Six Classics, and the moon is full. I will repay it with my own voice. It is a Millennium opportunity to learn from the past for a hundred years. "
"Biography of Talented Talents in the Tang Dynasty" records: "Bo delightedly teased guests, and he did it in an instant. Without adding a word, the room was full of surprises."
Biography of Wang Bo in the New Tang Dynasty: Wang Bozi 'an, a native of Longmen, Jiangzhou. At the age of six, he was good at writing. At the age of nine, Yan Shigu read Hanshu and wrote Finger Defects to cover up his mistakes. Before his coronation, he was awarded the North Korean Dispelling Lang, and several tributes were given to him. Pei Gong heard his name and called the government to compile it. In the second book "The Secret of the Platform", the book was finished and Wang Aizhong succeeded. At that time, kings were cockfighting, and Percy was the king of England. Emperor Gaozong said angrily, "Yes, we should make friends." Be expelled from the government. Self-defeating, the guest sword south. When I tried to climb Mount Ge Wei, I thought of Zhuge Liang's achievements and wrote poems to express my feelings. I heard that there are many herbs in Zhou, and I asked to join the army. By the grave, jealous of being an official. Cao Da, an official slave, atoned for his sins and hid his position, so he was afraid of leaking things and had to kill him. If you feel guilty, you will forgive and be removed from the list. Father Fu Chou joined the army with Zhou Yong Sigong and ordered him to move to the left. Bob went to other provinces, drowned in the sea, and died of fright at the age of 29. From the beginning, Zhong Ling was exposed. On September 9, the governor gave a banquet in honor of Teng, and his son-in-law ordered him to praise the guests. Because of paper and pen, I have been treating you, so I dare not do the best, but I have not left without hesitation. The viceroy was furious, got up and changed clothes, and ordered the officials to wait for the newspaper. Repeatedly reported, strange language, suddenly said: "genius." Please write it down and enjoy it very much. Bo is prose. At first, he didn't think it over. Grinding a few liters of ink first, then drinking heavily, leading him to lie down with his face covered and help him write an article. It is not easy to write a word. At that time, people called Abreu a draft.
Are these right?
3. Read the following classical Chinese and complete the following question 9. D 10。 D 1 1。 C 12。 (1) In Linde's early years, Liu Xiangdao praised his talent and ranked high.
Before he was twenty years old, he was named Asazaburo. (2) first grind a few liters of ink, then have a nice drink, lie down and pull the quilt to sleep, and start writing when you wake up, without changing a word.
Analysis 9. Analysis of test questions: This question examines sentence breaks. The basic requirement of punctuated sentences in classical Chinese is that punctuated sentences can make sense. If some sentences are meaningless, it may be that there are mistakes in punctuation. The content of every sentence is reasonable and logical.
The premise of sentence breaking: read more paragraphs to enhance the sense of language. At the same time, we should also pay attention to some signs of broken sentences. The correct sentence is: once again hide the crime of death, official slave, afraid of leaking things, want to kill things, feel that things should be punished, forgive the sentence and seize the function word "zhi"
Test center: understand the sentence patterns and usage different from modern Chinese. The ability level is understanding B.
10. Question analysis: This question examines the grasp of the meaning and usage of common content words in classical Chinese. Pay attention to the classification and accumulation of memory in the usual learning process.
In item C, ① and ② are structural auxiliary words, which can; 3 pronouns, his, that is, Wang Bo's; 4 pronoun, his, that is, Cao Yingyuan's. Item d 1 conjunction, come; 2 conjunctions, because; 3 conjunctions, come; 4 conjunctions, table modifications, no translation.
Test center: Understand the meaning and usage of common notional words in classical Chinese. The ability level is understanding B.
1 1. problem analysis: this question examines special sentence patterns. Item C and example sentences are passive sentences, item A is an attributive postposition sentence, item D is a prepositional object sentence, and item D is a prepositional postposition sentence.
In classical Chinese, the subject of some sentences is the receiver of action, which is a passive sentence. Its common types are: 1. See you. See you.
For example, "My parents laugh at generous families. 2. The phrases "for" and "for" ... "are passive.
For example, "if you die and your country dies, you will laugh for the world." 3. "accept" and "accept".
In the passive table.
Such as: "subject to people." Test center: understand the sentence patterns and usage different from modern Chinese.
The ability level is to understand B. 12. Problem analysis: First of all, find out the key words or sentence patterns of translation, usually literal translation.
The basic translation methods of classical Chinese are substitution, word formation, reservation and ellipsis. Words with different meanings in ancient and modern times should be "replaced"; Words with roughly the same meaning in ancient and modern times are grouped; Special place names and names should be "reserved"; You can "omit" a synonym in ancient Chinese, and you can also "omit" some function words that are unnecessary or difficult to translate properly.
The key words in the title are (1), table, crown and prize (2), and then, citation, assistance and difficulty. Test center: Understand and translate the sentences in the text.
The ability level is understanding B. Reference: Wang Bo, Zi 'an, a native of Taiyuan, is the grandson of Wang Tong.
Wang Bo was good at reciting chapters when he was six years old. In Linde's early years, Liu Xiangdao praised talents with high ranking and took measures.
Before he was twenty years old, he was named Asazaburo. Pei Wang recruited him into the government for revision.
At that time, the kings were fighting cocks, and Wang Bo jokingly wrote an article for the chickens of the king of England. Emperor Gaozong was very angry when he learned about it and drove him out of Pei Wang Fu.
After Wang Bo dismissed from office, he lived in Jiannan, climbed mountains and looked out. He fondly remembered Zhuge Liang's achievements and wrote poems to express his feelings. Once again, he hid an official slave who committed a capital crime and killed him for fear that things would be exposed.
When things are discovered and implemented, they will be withdrawn only after timely Amnesty. His father, Wang Fuchuan, was demoted to Jiaotoe County Order because of his participation.
Wang Bo went to visit and passed by Nanchang. At that time, Qi Huangong built a new Wang Teng Pavilion. On September 9th, he gave a banquet to entertain guests, and prepared to let his son-in-law write a note to boast about this great event.
Wang Bo came here to meet Gong Yan, who knew his talent and asked him to take notes. Wang Bo readily gave the guest a pen, which was written in a short time, without modification, which surprised the full house.
After a drunken farewell, the prince gave him a hundred horses and he set sail. When I arrived at Yanfang, the ship sank into the sea and Wang Bo drowned. At that time, he was 27.
Wang Bo's poems are so gorgeous that many people ask him to write them. His home is full of silk. Dress by heart, eat by pen, but don't use your head.
Grind a few liters of ink first, then have a good drink, lie under the quilt cover and sleep, and start writing when you wake up, without changing a word. People call it a "draft by heart". He once said that a son must know something about medicine. At that time, there was a secret recipe called Cao Yuan in Chang 'an, and Wang Bo learned all his skills.
Because Zhou was rich in herbs, Wang Bo asked Zhou to join the army. He bullied others by his talent, and his colleagues hated him.
He left 30 volumes of anthology and 5 volumes of preface on the ship, which are now handed down to the world.
4. Read the following two paragraphs of classical Chinese and complete the following questions (1) A. When: Conviction; Later, when it came to light, Wang Bo was sentenced to death, but when the emperor granted amnesty to the whole world, he was acquitted. Wang Bo was arrogant to others because of his talent, and he was hated by his colleagues. D. wake up As soon as he wakes up, he can write an article without changing a word (2) A. Reason: preposition, so/rely on. B. and: conjunction, indicating a turning point. C. Not specifically to criticize the king, the result was not that he was almost killed, but that he was angrily reprimanded by Emperor Gaozong and expelled from Pei. The original statement was: Gao Zong looked at it and said angrily: "At this rate, it is gradually constructed!" Expel Bob from the mansion that day, and don't let him into the mansion. After a long time, he joined the army in Bizhou. So he chose B. Answer: (1)B(2)A(3)B Reference translation: Wang Bozian is from Longmen, Jiangzhou. He knew how to write an article at the age of six, and his thinking was not stagnant. Passionate, in love with my brother Wang. He was called to write for Pei, which was highly valued and valued. At that time, the princes fought cocks, winning and losing. Wang Bo jokingly wrote: "King Ba's Chicken". After reading this article, Emperor Gaozong said angrily, "According to this article, this is a sign of mutual trap." On the same day, he reprimanded Wang Bo and refused to let him enter Wang Fu. After a long time, he was appointed as a replacement. Wang Bo hid him, fearing that things would get out, so he killed Cao Tartars and blocked the sources. Later, it was revealed that Wang Bo was sentenced to death, but it coincided with the emperor's amnesty, and he was exonerated. At that time, Wang Bo's father, Wang Fushu, joined the army in Yongzhou, and was demoted to a toe order because of Wang Bo. Last year, Wang Bo went to Toe Crossing Island to visit his father and crossed the South China Sea. He fell into the water and died at the age of 28. Pei Xingjian, assistant minister of the official department, has the ability to identify talents. Li attaches great importance to Yang Jiong, Lu and Luo He, and thinks that they will get ahead and be extremely rich. Pei Xingjian said: "Scholars should put knowledge first and literary talent second if they want to go far. Although Wang Bo and others are literate, they are impetuous and superficial. Where can they enjoy the salary of office? Yang Jiong is calm and quiet, and his position should reach the top of the Chief Executive's list. Others will be lucky to die well. " Later, as he said, his father Wang Fuchun was demoted to toe order because of Wang Bo. Wang Bo went to visit and passed by Nanchang. At that time, Governor Gong Yan had just finished rebuilding Teng Wang Ge, so he invited his son-in-law to make a preface in advance and brag in front of the guests. So he took out a pen and paper. No one dares to undertake this task. But when he arrived at Wang Bo, he readily refused. Governor Yan was very angry, got up and left with an excuse to change clothes. He just sent a small official to peek at Wang Bo's article and report it. Small officials (after reading it) repeatedly reported that the language of the article became more and more strange, so Gong Yan said in horror: "Genius!" Invited him to read the full text, the guests stopped in ecstasy. When Wang Bo wrote this article, he didn't think it over carefully at first. He first grinded a few liters of ink, then drank it to his heart's content, pulled up the quilt and lay down with his face covered. When he woke up, he picked up a pen and could write an article without changing a word. At that time, Wang Bo was called "the draft by heart". Along with Yang Jiong, Lu and Qi, he is called "King" by the world.
5. Wang Bo, Zi 'an, from Taiyuan, is the grandson of Wang Tong.
He was good at writing ci poems when he was six years old. In Linde's early years, Liu Xiangdao praised talents with high ranking and took measures.
Before he was twenty years old, he was appointed as Zhao Saburo, and Pei Wang recruited him into the government for revision. At that time, the kings were fighting cocks, and Wang Bo jokingly wrote an article for the chickens of the king of England.
Emperor Gaozong was very angry when he learned about it and drove him out of Pei Wang Fu. After Wang Bo dismissed from office, he lived in Jiannan, climbed mountains and looked out. He fondly remembered Zhuge Liang's achievements and wrote poems to express his feelings.
Once again, he hid an official slave who committed a capital crime and killed him for fear that things would be exposed. When things are discovered and implemented, Amnesty will be removed in time.
Father Wang Fushu was implicated and was demoted to Jiaotoe County Order. Wang Bo went to visit and passed by Nanchang.
At that time, Qi Huangong built a new Wang Teng Pavilion. On September 9th, he gave a banquet to entertain guests, and prepared to let his son-in-law write a note to boast about this great event. Wang Bo came here to meet Gong Yan, who knew his talent and asked him to take notes.
Wang Bo readily gave the guest a pen, which was written in a short time, without modification, which surprised the full house. Say goodbye with wine.
Qi Huangong gave him a hundred horses and he set sail. When I arrived at Yanfang, the boat fell into the sea and Wang Bo drowned. At that time, he was twenty-nine years old.
Wang Bo's poems are so gorgeous that many people ask him to write. His home is full of silk. He wears heart weaving and eats pen farming. But you don't have to think hard.
Grind a few liters of ink first, then have a good drink, lie under the quilt cover and sleep, and start writing when you wake up, without changing a word. People call it a "draft by heart". He once said that a son must know something about medicine. At that time, there was a secret recipe called Cao Yuan in Chang 'an, and Wang Bo learned all his skills.
Because Zhou was rich in herbs, Wang Bo asked Zhou to join the army. He bullied others by his talent, and his colleagues hated him.
He left thirty volumes of anthology and five volumes of Preface to the Boat, which are now handed down to the world.
6. Talented people in the Tang Dynasty translated Li Bai, whose words were too white, and Li Bai was from Shandong. [Shandong, there are many sayings about Li Bai's birthplace, which is a saying] My mother dreamed that she gave birth to Chang Geng Xing, also known as Taibai Venus. Because of life, she gave Li Bai a name, a life and a name. At the age of ten, she passed the Five Classics. Go beyond, go beyond. World-famous. Happiness, fencing for Ren Xia, [Ren Xia, chivalrous self-responsibility, commitment, responsibility. ] light wealth and charity, many guests are allowed to serve as cities, [Rencheng, now Jining, Shandong. ] and Kong, Han Zhun, Pei Zheng, live in Lushan Mountain. Sigh: "I am also a fairy." It solved the problem of beetle changing wine, and I had a good time all day. So he recommended it to Xuanzong, and summoned the Golden Throne Hall to discuss current affairs. Because I sang a song, the emperor was happy, gave him food, and served himself as a spoon. I was drunk, so I went to the grass to let Goliath take off his boots. I was ashamed of him and picked up his ". What a waste of heartbroken. Ask the Han Palace who looks like it. Poor swallow leans on new makeup. Among them, Zhao quoted the story of the Han Dynasty. Gao Lishi thought that Li Bai's The Swallow was better than Yang Yuhuan's, and he wrote that it fell out of favor. In order to anger the imperial concubine, the emperor wanted to be with officials every time, and the princess fell in love. [Fall in, stop. ] Bai Yi proudly let go and left with He, Li and Ruyang Wangfu. Bai, who did not reveal his name, confessed, "I ordered the dragon to wipe the towel and spit, the imperial concubine held the inkstone, and Lux took off his boots. Before the son of heaven, he was still allowed to walk; You can't ride a donkey in Huayin County? " Surprised and ashamed, Yingzai thanked him and said, "I didn't know Hanlin was here." Bai Chang went away with a smile. He tried to take a boat and quarried with Cui Zongzhi to Jinling, where he sat in a palace robe and there was no one around. Lushan Mountain rebelled, Ming Di was in Shu, Wang Yi was in the southeast, and he was lying in Lushan Mountain in white. Make the 16th son easy for lieutenant .. Guo Ziyi asked officials to redeem him and wrote a letter to Liu Yelang. White Night Festival (old age) is yellow and old. I spent a lot of time in Niuzhuji, catching the moon by drinking, and then sinking into the water. At the beginning, he was happy to thank Jia Qingshan, whose tomb was in Yan. The collection of 20 volumes can be traced back to the world. Or the cloud says: Bai, Liang, Wu Zhao, Wang Qi, the ninth grandson. [