It should be: "There are no tigers in the mountains, and the monkey is the king." There are no tigers in the mountains, but monkeys call them kings. This is a proverb that means there are no wise men. Ordinary people can also play important roles.
Tiger (scientific name: Panthera tigris?; English name: Tiger): It is a large cat in the class Mammalia; its fur is light yellow or brown, with black horizontal stripes all over its body; it has a round head, short ears, and the back of the ears Black, with a very conspicuous white spot in the center; the limbs are strong and powerful; the tail is thick and long, with black rings and a black tail end.
Tiger is a typical mountain forest animal. It can live well in tropical rain forests and evergreen broad-leaf forests in the south, as well as deciduous broad-leaf forests and coniferous broad-leaf mixed forests in the north. In Northeast China, it is also often found in mountainous areas such as ridges, thickets, and rocky or gravel ponds to facilitate hunting. Tigers often move alone, and only during the breeding season do males and females live together.
It has no fixed nest and mostly wanders in the mountains and forests in search of food. Can swim. Due to the development of forest areas and the surge in population, remote areas in the past have developed into villages and towns, and tigers often come to forest areas to forage near residential areas. Tigers are mostly active at dusk and often lurk and rest during the day. They rarely come out unless disturbed. The tiger's activity range is relatively large. In the north, the daily foraging range can reach dozens of kilometers; in Xishuangbanna, the south, there is more food, so the activity distance is shorter.
Most monkeys are omnivorous, eating mainly plants and do not give up readily available meat. The food selection and feeding methods are different. For example, aye-ayes are good at picking out insects in tree holes or stone crevices. Orangutans eat a lot and spend most of their active time looking for food. Colobus monkeys have special stomach structures, and most species eat plant foods rich in crude fiber.