At the end of the Spring and Autumn Period, when the founder of Taoism was about to deliver a letter to Guan Guan, the guards saw Oriental Purple. Soon, I rode this green cow from the east. The guardian thought Lao Tzu was a saint and asked him to write the famous Tao Te Ching. Therefore, purple gas is considered auspicious and indicates the appearance of purple gas. Wise and cherish. Du Fu once wrote a poem: Yaochi, the king of the west, is descended from his mother, and the east is purple.
From then on, the ancients called auspicious qi Ziyun, the place where immortals lived was called Hai Zi, and the gods called Ziquan. It can be seen that the "purple" of the Forbidden City is very promising. And because the place where the emperor lived was protected, it was difficult for ordinary people to get close to it, so the Forbidden City was also called the Forbidden City.
The stars in the ancient sky were divided into three rings, twenty-eight stars and other constellations. The Third Ring Road refers to Taiwei, Tiens and Wei Zi. Myrtle crepe is the name of the emperor. In the middle of the Third Ring Road, it was called "self-defense" in ancient times. Because the emperor is purple, the place where he lived that day was the Purple Palace. Emperors of past dynasties hoped that they would live in the Purple Palace and rule themselves with Dehua on all sides and Korea on all sides, so as to achieve the goal of maintaining long-term rule.
The Forbidden City was built by the Ming Emperor Judy. It is magnificent, with strong sentries and strict security protection. Ordinary people can only look at each other, not stand at the door. In addition, the imperial power is like a mountain, and ordinary officials can only enter if they are summoned. This is the center of the empire and a forbidden area for ordinary people, hence the name of the Forbidden City.