Beevin is much better than Benney, because the English name must be pronounced along with your surname, please see:
Beevin Ma, compared with Benney Ma, I don’t know about you Are you playing King of Fighters? The English pronunciation of Nikaido Benimaru is Benimalu. I always feel that the latter is very similar. Beevin is very atmospheric.
Beevin /'bi:vin/ or /'bi:vn/ (the former is more in line with your requirements, but a bit immature)
There is also Benjamin, ['bend? min], I think it’s pretty good too. As you learn more about English, you will discover that names have many wonderful uses. Benjamin is nicknamed Ben, which would also work.
Chinese names are broad and profound, while English names are casual.
And the biggest advantage of English names is that as your English experience deepens, you can name yourself after a while, unlike The Chinese name will last a lifetime.
Chinese people like to add their surname after their English name. In fact, all names are in English, and of course the surname can also be in English. My name is Han Ximing. My English name is Lewis Han, which sounds nice too.
But the English name I use now is Lewis Voserman. If you like to choose a middle name, Lewis Himan Voserman.
I suggest you give yourself an English last name in the future
< p>The name is just a symbol. Since our own Chinese names cannot be changed at will, we finally have an opportunity to make use of it, and we must seize it.