The section starts from Hongqi Forest Farm in the west, passes through Huachuan, Fujin, and Xiaojia River, and ends at Qianfeng Farm in the east. The whole area is located within the structural division of Sanjiang Basin. From the topographic point of view, except for the mountainous areas with large altitude changes to the west of Heli Town and near Xiaojia River, the rest of the terrain is gentle, with an average elevation of about 100m. The magnitude of gravity anomalies does not change much, and the overall average is around zero. Except for local high values ??between Xinglonggang Town and Xiaojiahe Town, magnetic anomalies in other areas are relatively stable, fluctuating around zero (Figure 8-5).
(1) Division of fault zones
Based on the results of Euler deconvolution calculations of gravity anomalies and combined with electrical data, 13 large and small faults can be divided in this section. Specifically, they include the northern extension of the Mudanjiang fault (F1), the Yilan-Yitong fault (F2, F3), the western boundary fault of the Suibin fault depression (F4), the small basement fault within the Suibin fault depression (F5), and the Suibin fault depression. The eastern boundary fault (F6), Xiaojiahe fault (F7, F8), Tongjiang-Toulin-Yingchun lithospheric fault (F9), Dahezhen fault (F10), this fault is the Wandashan fold within the survey line The western boundary of the belt is also the dividing line between the Sanjiang Basin and the Wandashan fold belt. It is also called the Hulin-Qianjin Farm Fault, which is a lithospheric fault composed of a group of faults. F11 and F12 are small basement faults within the Wandashan uplift. F13 and F14 form the Xiaojiahe fault, and a fault depression is formed between the two faults. F15 is the northern boundary fault of Wandashan and the boundary fault of the Sanjiang Basin in the southeast. It should be noted that since the profile passes through the Xiaojiahe fault twice, there are two locations in the fault division that are both Xiaojiahe faults.
(2) Structural division
Based on resistivity changes, fault distribution and gravity anomaly shapes, the following structural areas can be divided in this section.
The Xiaoxinanling Uplift Area: Located to the west of the F2 fault, the terrain gradually rises from east to west, with the highest point reaching 250m. The gravity anomaly has a mirror image relationship with the terrain, showing a gradually decreasing trend from east to west, and finally the anomaly magnitude dropped to -130×10-6m/s2. The magnetic anomaly is negative and remains stable at around -100nT. Electrical method information is missing in this section.
Tangyuan fault depression: located between the F2 and F3 faults. See Section 4 of this chapter for specific explanation.
Jiamusi uplift: located between the F3 and F4 faults, with a width of about 15km. The terrain is flat, with an average altitude of 70m. Corresponding to the gravity anomaly low value area, the lowest reaches -190×10-6m/s2. The main reason is due to the deepening of Moho. The magnetic anomaly is still negative and remains stable at around -80nT. The electrical data is divided into two layers. There is a low-resistance layer several hundred meters thick on the top layer, with an average resistivity of hundreds of ohm meters, which is Neogene sandstone and siltstone. The bottom is Proterozoic high-resistance (average 5000Ω·m) gneiss and limestone.
Suibin fault depression: located between the F4 and F6 faults. The terrain is flat, with an average altitude of 70m. There are two positive peak points in the Bouguer anomaly, with a magnitude close to 200×10-6m/s2. This shows that the Moho surface in this area is uplifted. The magnetic anomaly is negative to the west of F6, with a relatively stable shape and an average magnitude of -100nT. But at the F6 position, Zhang's abnormal sudden jump is 1 positive value, with the highest value reaching 240nT. F5 fracture is the basement fracture in the fault depression and is also the dividing line of electrical changes. The western part has low resistance and is very thick, reaching 20km. This formation may be the Late Jurassic formation. The top layer in the east is still low resistance (tens of ohm meters), about 1 km thick, and the lower part is medium resistance, only 2000-3000 Ω·m, more than ten kilometers thick, and may be Proterozoic gneiss or limestone.
Fujin uplift: located between the F6 and F9 faults, with a width of 70km. The geographical location is between Xi'an Town and Xinglonggang Town, with Fujin City located between them. The terrain has slight undulations, with an average altitude of nearly 50m. The gravity anomaly has small fluctuations at an average of 50×10-6m/s2. The analysis shows that the main reason is that there are many fractures of different sizes in the area. As shown in Figure 8-5, in addition to the eastern boundary fault of the Suibin fault depression (F6) and the Tongjiang-Toulin-Yingchun lithospheric fault (F9), there are also the Xiaojiahe fault (F8) and the internal uplift. Base fracture (F7). Except for the boundary fault, the magnetic anomaly in the western part of the uplift is stable and remains at -80nT; in the eastern part, it is close to zero. At the F9 fault position, there are abnormal positive and negative jumps, but the values ??are not large within 100~-200nT. From the electrical data, the F7 fault divides the Fujin uplift into two sections.
That is, the high-resistance area west of F7: Although there is a low-resistance several hundred meters thick at the western end, the high-resistance is directly exposed in the west of Fujin City. It is speculated that the high-resistance is caused by Proterozoic granite. The resistivity east of the F7 fault is lower than that in the western section. There is a low-resistivity zone with an average thickness of 1.5km in the upper part, with an average resistivity of 100Ω·m. Especially near the Xiaojiahe fault, the low-resistivity zone extends much deeper, up to 10km. It is speculated to be Neogene sandstone and siltstone. The lower high-resistivity granite occurs in small dispersions, and the high-resistivity values ??are also smaller on average than those in the west.
Northeast Geophysical Field and Crustal Evolution
Figure 8-5 DB05 profile topography, gravity anomaly, magnetic anomaly, gravity profile interpretation and electrical profile interpretation chart
Advanced depression: located between the F9 and F10 faults. The terrain is flat, averaging 50m. The gravity anomaly is lower than both sides, with an average of 100×10-6m/s2. This shows that the low-density material in this depression was deposited thickly and the Moho uplift was not obvious. The magnetic anomaly jumps between positive and negative in the western part of the depression, with values ??between 150 and -200nT; it is positive in the eastern part; it is low at both ends and high in the middle. The high value reaches 300nT, and the low value is only 0nT. From the electrical data, this depression is a large low-resistance area with resistivity below 200Ω·m. The electrical layer above 20km is divided into three layers. The first layer is about 1km thick, has a resistivity of tens of ohm-meters, and the lithology is Neogene sandstone and siltstone; the second layer is from 1 to 7km, with a resistivity of about 100Ω·m. It may be a Jurassic formation; the third layer is from 7 to 20 km, with a resistivity of tens of ohm meters and unclear lithology. This area is a favorable prospect zone for finding oil and gas reservoirs.
Wandashan uplift: located between the F10 and F13 faults. The section changes direction here, from nearly east-west to north-northeast. The terrain of this section is a standard hilly area, with the elevation varying between 50 and 125m. The gravity anomaly is relatively stable, with an average of only 50×10-6m/s2. The magnetic anomaly is divided into northern and southern parts. The southern part is abnormally stable, with a magnitude around zero; the northern part is positive, with an average of 180nT. From the resistivity diagram, the overall resistance is medium, with discontinuous high resistance appearing. There are two faults F11 and F12 that divide it into three parts. The middle one has no high resistance, and the medium resistance strata may be Jurassic coal-bearing strata. High resistance may be Proterozoic limestone and marble.
Naolihe Fault Depression: It is located between the F13 and F14 faults, Xiaojiahe Town is located in it, and the Naoli River passes through it, so it is named Naolihe Fault Depression. The terrain is valley-like, with Wanda Mountain uplift on both the north and south sides. The gravity anomaly is relatively gentle, with a value of 50×10-6m/s2. The magnetic anomaly is positive, with an average of 110nT, and the anomaly pattern shows a small jump in the background field value. There is no high resistance in this fault depression. It is roughly divided into three levels. The first layer has an average thickness of 800m, with a resistivity of 20-70Ω·m, and is a Quaternary stratum; the second layer is thinner in the west and thicker in the east, with a maximum thickness of 5km, with a resistivity of 200-300Ω·m, and is a Cretaceous stratum; and the third layer is It is low-resistance, with a resistivity similar to that of the first layer, and may be a Jurassic formation.
Victory Rise: Located between the F14 and F15 fractures, it is named after the Victory Farm is located at this location. Shengli uplift is located at the northernmost end of Wandashan uplift and is also part of Wandashan uplift. The terrain is also hilly with minor undulations. The gravity anomaly is 200×10-6m/s2. The positive anomaly indicates that the crust in this area is thin. The upper mantle bulges upward. The magnetic anomaly is stationary, with an average magnitude of zero. Judging from the electrical data, the upper part of the Shengli Uplift has a 1km-thick low-resistance layer with an average resistance of several tens of ohms. The lower part is divided into three parts by two secondary fractures, namely the central low-resistance zone. , medium resistance zone in the south and high resistance zone in the north. The southern medium-resistance zone below 1km is composed of Jurassic strata of 1000-2000Ω·m; the central low-resistance zone below 1km can be divided into two layers, namely the lower low-resistance (resistivity of tens of ohm meters) and the upper medium-resistance layer. The northern high-resistivity zone can be divided into northern and southern zones below 1 km, with resistivities ranging from several thousand to tens of thousands ohm meters of high-resistivity strata.
Nongjiang Depression: located north of the F15 fault. The depression has a large area. This survey line only enters the northeast corner of the Nongjiang depression at its northern end. The terrain is flat, with an altitude of 50m. Gravity anomalies tend to decrease. Magnetic anomalies remain around zero. Judging from the electrical data, it has typical basin characteristics. The top layer has a nearly 1.5km thick and gentle low-resistance coverage with a resistivity of only a few ohm-meters to dozens of ohm-meters, and the lower layer has a medium-high resistance base.
As it extends northward and gradually enters the hinterland of the basin, the low-resistance covering layer gradually thickens, and its lithology is Neogene sedimentary.
(3) Base undulation morphology
The density base and electrical base were calculated using gravity and electrical data. It should be pointed out that the electrical substrate in this section is based on the lower interface of the low-resistance layer of tens of ohms.
The density base of the Suibin fault depression has fluctuations, ranging from 4km deep to 1km shallow. The electrical basement is bounded by the F5 fault. The west basement is 1.5km under the two measuring points MT12 and MT13, but the medium and low-resistivity layers are distributed close to 5km; while the eastside basement is 2km. The average density basement of the Fujin uplift is 3km; the electrical basement varies greatly, with 0.7km of sedimentation in local areas to the west of F7 (below MT18), and an average of 1.5km to the east. Near the F8 fault, that is, the Xiaojiahe fault, the distribution depth of medium and low resistance is greater than 5km. The density base of the advancing depression is 5km deep; except for the depth on both sides of MT26, the electrical base is 1.5km on average, reaching 2km in some areas. The average density base of Wandashan uplift is 2km. The electrical basement is relatively complex, and the average depth of the underground surface basement is only 0.5km. However, under the two measuring points MT30 and MT31, there is still low resistance distribution in the underground range of 2 to 4km, and the basement depth can be considered to be up to 4km. The density basement of the Naolihe fault depression is 2km deep, and the electrical basement is 1km deep on average, but below point MT33, the basement is as deep as 5km. The density base of Shengli uplift and Nongjiang depression is both 2km. The electrical base is 1km on average. Under the two measuring points MT35 and MT36, the electrical base is close to 4.5km deep.