When Wang Zhene was thirteen years old, the former Qin Dynasty perished and Guanzhong was in turmoil. Wang Zhene lived outside and once lived in Li Fang's home in Mianchi (now Mianchi, Henan). Li Fang is very kind to Wang Zhene. Wang Zhene was very grateful, so he said to Sally, "If you meet a heroic monarch and invite him to Wan Huhou, you must repay him generously." Li Fang replied, "You are the grandson of the Prime Minister, and you are so outstanding. Why worry about not being rich? I hope you can hire me as the county magistrate. "
Later, as his uncle Wang Yao surrendered to the Jin Dynasty, he lived in Jingzhou. He has read some art books of various philosophers and likes to talk about military affairs. Riding and shooting are not his specialty, but he is good at managing state affairs decisively. Yixi five years (409) in March, emperor wu of song request against Southern Yan, someone recommended Wang Zhene to emperor wu of song. At that time, Wang Zhene was the magistrate of Linli County in Tianmen. Emperor Wu of song summoned Wang Zhene, and after talking with him, Emperor Wu of song was very surprised, so he stayed in Wang Zhene for the night. The next morning, Emperor Wu of Song said to his entourage, "Wang Zhene is the grandson of Wang Meng, the so-called' General Yong Li'." Then he engaged in the history of Qingzhou, joined the army and lured the thief Cao. Repeated battles and victories, won the fifth class merit in Bolu County.
After defeating Southern Yan and Lu Xun successively, Emperor Wu of Song became a sublime figure in the world. The three main forces of the northern government soldiers (Emperor Wu of Song, Liu Yi, He Wuji, He Wuji is dead) are unwilling to relegate to the position of Qiu, secretly accumulating strength and plotting against the DPRK. Emperor wu of song also early notice, waiting for the opportunity.
Yixi eight years (4 12) in September, when Liu arrived in Jiangling, he got sick occasionally and wrote to ask his cousin Yanzhou secretariat Liu Fan to be his deputy. Emperor Wu of song pretended to answer. Liu Fan entered Jiankang (now Nanjing) from Guangling (now northwest of Yangzhou, Jiangsu). Emperor Wu of song took advantage of the imperial edict to show Liu Yi's rebellion, pointing out that Liu Fan was up to no good and ordered Liu Fan to commit suicide.
On the 15th, Emperor Wu of Song led an army from Jiankang. Wang Zhene said, "If you want to deal with the western Chu, please give me a hundred big ships as the guide." On the 29th, he went to Guzhu (now Dangtu, Anhui Province) to worship Wang Zhene as the general of Zhenwu. Together with General Long Xiang, he led hundreds of ships as pioneers.
Wang Zhene was ordered to travel day and night, pretending that Liu Fan was going to the west, but Liu Yi believed him. 122, Wang Zhene arrived at Yuzhangkou (now southeast of Jiangling, Hubei), 20 miles away from Jiangling City, and abandoned the ship and marched on foot. Kuaien led the army in the front, followed by Wang Zhene. One or two people were left on each ship, and six or seven flags were erected on the shore of the ship, and a drum was placed below, telling those who stayed: "It is estimated that we will be at the gate and will be under martial law for a long time, which makes people feel that there are troops behind us." He also sent people to burn Liu Yi's ships in Jiangjin (now southeast of Shashi, Hubei) to cut off its retreat. Wang Zhene led the army to Lingcheng and said to the former army, "If you have any questions, you can come from Yanzhou." . Along the way, the Tianjin garrison and people said that there was no doubt that Liu Fan had come.
Less than five or six miles from the city, I met Liu Yi and wanted to drive Zhu Xianzhi out of Jiangjin with a dozen cavalry and dozens of infantry. Zhu Xianzhi asked who they were, and the soldier replied, "Liu Yanzhou has arrived." Zhu Xianzhi flew to the front and asked where Liu Qiang was. The soldier replied, "In the back." Zhu Xianzhi didn't see Liu Fan, only to find that the troops were armed. At this time, he saw the ships in Jiangjin burning, fireworks soaring into the sky, and drums blaring. Knowing that it was not Liu Fan, Zhu Xianzhi rode back to Liu Yi and told him to close the gate.
However, Wang Zhene has rushed into Jiangling City, and the soldiers have climbed into the city. As the gate was not closed, the east gate of the big city opened smoothly. There are eight Liu Yi troops in the big city, and they are ready for the alert. Kuaien entered the East Gate, then turned back to Beijingtang and attacked the East Gate of Jincheng. Wang Zhene entered the east gate and hit the west gate of Jincheng (now the inner city). Divide troops and attack the south gate of Jincheng. Liu Yijincheng, an old general in the East, has six teams of more than a thousand people, while Aowu, an official in the West, has more than two thousand people. A scuffle broke out between the two armies. From 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., people in the west have retreated and defected. When Wang Zhene entered the city, he set fire to the south gate and the east gate.
Wang Zhene sent letters and pardons to Liu Yi and Liu Yi, but ignored them. He fought against Si Mazhao and others. When Jincheng soldiers didn't believe that Emperor Wu of Song came in person, a man named Wang Huan lived in Jiangling. Because he had killed Huan Qian before, he was promoted by Emperor Wu of Song and often stayed with him. At this time, he led more than ten people to help Wang Zhene fight. At about four o'clock in the afternoon, Wang Huan dug a big hole thirty paces north of the East Gate of Jincheng. Wang Huan went into the cave first, followed by Wang Zhene, followed by the soldiers, and started hand-to-hand combat with Liu Yijun.
Soldiers in Wang Zhene and Liu Yi are mostly elderly people from the northern government. Some of them are cousins and other relatives of fathers, brothers and children. Tell the soldiers to go to war, saying that the soldiers learned that Liu was personally led by Emperor Wu of Song. Without fighting spirit, they fled. When I was on duty for the first time, I heard that the array broke up ahead of time and killed Liu Yi's brave general Cai Zhao, but the soldiers around Liu Yi still closed the east and west gates to resist. Wang Zhene even trapped animals, increasing the casualties of soldiers, then led the army out of Jincheng Village, so he opened the south gate. Fearing being ambushed, Liu Yi led more than 300 people to break through the North Gate at night. Because of an accident, when Wang Zhene led an army to attack the city, Liu Yi's horse was still outside the city, and he couldn't find it in a hurry. Liu Yi went to ask his son Liu Sumin for a horse, but Liu Sumin didn't give it to him. Zhu Xianzhi said to Liu Sumin, "Others want your father's life, but you are stingy with a horse. Where do you want to escape? " So he gave the horse to Liu Yi. As soon as Liu Yigang came out, he met Wang Zhene's army and could not break through. Liu Yi once again sought a breakthrough from Kuaien. Because the soldiers were exhausted from fighting all day, Liu was able to escape from the big city at the east gate.
Liu Yitou went to Niumu Temple. After the defeat, he also went to Niumu Temple, where Chang Monk hid his treasure and killed Chang Monk. Even today, Liu Yi has fled to this place, but the monk refused to say, "My late teacher took in Wei Huan before and was killed by Danfu Liu, but today I really dare not take in outsiders." Liu Yi lamented: "It is too bad that the law has reached this point." He hanged himself. The next day, people told the Wang Zhene army to behead them, and all their sons and nephews were killed.
In this battle, Wang Zhene took the lead, with five arrows in his body, and the thumbtack in his hand was also shot off. It was not until twenty days after Jiangling was pacified that the big troops arrived. 1 1 month Wang Zhene was awarded the title of Hanshou County, with 500 food cities. Wang Zhene led the troops to resist the gold because the minority leaders of Nandi occupied the soft head of Botegen. Before he left, Wang Zhene told Sima Xiu, the secretariat of Jingzhou, and asked Sima Xiu to send troops to support him. Sima Xiu sent him to help Wang Zhene.
But there was an accident on the way. The reason is that Qiu was jealous of the reputation of Jingzhou secretariat Sima Xiuzhi in Jiangling and hated his son for making trouble in Kyoto Jiankang (now Nanjing), so he arrested Sima Wenbao, the second son of Sima Xiuzhi, and ordered him to commit suicide in the first month of the eleventh year (4 15). At the same time, in the name of the cruelty of Zongzi, he sent troops to the west to explore Sima Xiu. On the 27th, soldiers were in poor health. In February, Sima Xiu wrote a letter stating the guilt of Emperor Wu of Song.
At this time, Wang Zhene then said to the generals: "The people all know that the government troops went up, Zhu Xiang and others were thieves, and we were attacked from the outside, and we lost." Wang Zhene led his troops to the east overnight, when the river was fast-flowing, and he walked hundreds of miles in a twinkling. Upon arrival, fill the stone with bamboo cages and block the waterway. When Zhu Xiang's army arrived, Wang Zhene led an army to attack him and beheaded Zhu Xiang, killing more than 1000 people. However, Wang Zhene's shortcoming is greed. After defeating Zhu Xiang, he took the opportunity to stop the army from raiding the barbarians and failed to return in time. In May, from Wang Zhene to Jiangling, Sima Xiuzhi had been pacified, and Emperor Wu of Song was very angry and did not summon him on time. Wang Zhene said with a smile, "But when I saw the public, I didn't have any concerns." . Soon, Emperor Wu of Song called Wang Zhene to the city. Wang Zhene is eloquent and famous for his eloquence. Then improvise and make Emperor Wu of Song leave. Wang Zhene rushed out to meet Sima Xiuzhi and returned to the frontier. Be appointed as a guerrilla general. At that time, the post-Qin established by Yao Chang, an aristocrat of Qiang nationality, always threatened the Eastern Jin Dynasty. After attacking and destroying the separatist forces in Yannan and Yizhou, Emperor Wu of Song sought to attack the post-Qin Dynasty.
In the 12th year of Yixi (4 16), Yao Xing, the last king of Qin in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, sent troops to attack Yongzhou (now Xiangyang, Hubei) and was defeated by Zhao Lunzhi, the secretariat of Yongzhou. This provided an excuse for the northern expedition. In February, Yao Xing, the late king of Qin, died of illness, and Prince Yao Hong ascended the throne, and brothers fought against each other, causing riots in Guanzhong. In April, the state of Western Qin begged to invade Qin territory. In June, the Xiongnu tribes in Bingzhou (now northwest of Taiyuan City, Shanxi Province) rebelled. At the same time, Helian Bobo of Xia Guo took the opportunity to arise and disturb the Qin border. In this way, the post-Qin dynasty was trapped in internal and external difficulties, and its national strength was greatly reduced.
In August, Emperor Wu of Song joined the army at the suggestion of Wang Zhene, and General Long Xiang led the vanguard. Before he left, the former general Liu met him in Jicrossbow Hall and said to him, "King Wen of Jin once entrusted Shu to Wargo, and now he will give you a check. I hope you work hard. " Wang Zhene said: "Thanks to the storm, we were promoted. Now Xianyang will never cross the Yangtze River unless it is conquered. If Sanqin is pacified, it will be your responsibility if Master Jiu Xi doesn't reward it. "
After the Jin army, the soldiers conquered the Qin Dynasty in five ways: Tan Daoji, the champion general, led the infantry as a pioneer and attacked Xuchang and Luoyang (now northeast of Henan and Luoyang) from Huai and Fei areas; Jianwu generals Shen Linzi and Peng Chengnei Shi Liu Zun led the water army to Shimen (now Xingyang North, Henan Province) and entered the river from Bianshui (now Yellow River); Point to Luoyang; Zhu Chaoshi, the prefect of Xinye, and Fan Hu, the general of Ningshuo, led his troops from Xiangyang to Yangcheng (now southeast of Dengfeng, Henan) and attacked Luoyang from the south. Zhenwu General Shen and Jianwei General Fu Hongzhi led the troops from Xiangyang to Wuguan (now southwest of Shangnan, Shaanxi) to contain Qin Jun after Guanzhong; Wang Zhongde, the secretariat of Jizhou, led the vanguard troops to enter the river (now the Yellow River) through Surabaya and Juye Ze (now the north of Shandong Juye).
In September, Wang Zhene and Tan Daoji entered the territory of the late Qin Dynasty, and both succeeded. The Qin Dynasty sent Wang Gousheng to Wang Zhene to offer lacquer mound (now northeast of Shangqiu, Henan Province), and Xuzhou secretariat Yao Zhang sent Tan Daoji to Xiangcheng (now Li Shen, Henan Province). Other troops stationed separately also hope to surrender. Tan Daoji attacked Xincai (present-day Henan), executed Dong Zun, the satrap, entered Xuchang, an important town in Central Plains, and captured Yao Yuan, the satrap of Qin Yingchuan, and Yang Ye, the general.
In October, Wang Zhene, Tan Daoji and Gao Zhi (now northwest of Xingyang) joined forces. After the Qin Dynasty, Yangcheng and Xingyang (now the northeast of Xingyang) both fell. Yao Ming, a general in the late Qin Dynasty who was guarding Luoyang, turned to Chang 'an for help. After the Qin Dynasty, Yao Hong sent Yan Sheng, a captain of Yueqi, to lead 3000 cavalry, and Yao Yinan, a general of Wu Wei, led 1 000 infantry to assist in guarding. At the same time, Yao Yi, a state shepherd, was sent from Puban (now southwest of Shanxi Shuiji) to Tunshanjin (namely Jinmao, now near the West Yellow River in Sanmenxia City, Henan Province) as backup. The army that Yao Ming, the commander-in-chief of Luoyang, refused to accept, stuck to Jin Yong (now northeast of Luoyang), waiting for the advice of reinforcements, and divided his troops to guard various dangers: General Ning Shuo was ordered to lead more than a thousand men to defend the white ancient house in the south (now southeast of Yanshi, Henan) and the general stone of Guangwu, and was not afraid to defend Gongcheng in the east (now southwest of Gongxian, Henan). Soon, the defenders of Hu Lao (now northwest of Xingyang, Henan Province) fell into the hands of Jin. Wang Zhene, Tan Daoji and Shen Linzi. The stone was sent back to Luoyang, and Zhao Xuan died. The Jin army advanced on Luoyang, Yao Ming surrendered, and more than 4,000 people in Qin Jun were captured.
In the 13th year of Yixi (4 17), Liu Yilong, son of Emperor Wu of Song, guarded Pengcheng and led the water army from Pengcheng to the west. Liu Yuyuan ordered the forward troops to arrive in Luoyang and wait for the follow-up troops to meet before moving forward; However, when Wang Zhene saw the civil strife in the late Qin Dynasty and the emptiness in Tongguan, he took the opportunity to escape. In February, he pushed Mianchi (now Luoning West, Henan Province) and sent Sima Mao Dezu to attack Wu Licheng (now Luoning Northwest, Henan Province) and led his troops to Tongguan. In Mianchi, Wang Zhene visited Li Fang's home, met his mother, rewarded her and appointed Li Fang as Mianchi's order.
When entering Tongguan, the Qin general Yao Shao refused, and Yao Shao went deep into the ditch to defend. Wang Zhene came alone, and the reserve supply was insufficient, so he sent someone to tell Emperor Wu of Song to send food and reinforcements. At that time, Emperor Wu of Song's water army entered Qinghe from Huaihe River, ready to attack the west of the Yellow River. Because of the fall of the slipway, the northern Wei Dynasty was twice as defensive as Liu Yujiang, and refused to take the road. Tuoba Si took Situ Song as the commander-in-chief of the Lu army, sent general E Jie and Jizhou secretariat A Bogan, and led 65,438+10,000 cavalry to the north bank of the Yellow River. The Northern Wei Dynasty also followed Liu Yujun westward with thousands of cavalry on the north bank of the Yellow River, harassing him from time to time and delaying the westward advance of 8 Jin Army. Emperor Wu of Song called the people sent by Wang Zhene, opened the north-facing porthole of the ship, and pointed to Wei Jun on the shore and said, "I said don't go any further. This is the case on the shore, how can we send troops! " Wang Zhene then personally went to Hongnong and other places to supervise the people's rent and the revival of commissary.
In March, Tongguan was captured and pursued. Yao Shao led troops to fight at the end of Qin Dynasty, and lost more than one thousand soldiers. Retreat to Dingcheng (now Tongguan West) and refuse to defend according to danger. In April, Yao Shao sent his commander Shi Yao, General Ning Shuo An Luan, Yao Moli, the guardian army, and 2,000 troops to Jiuyuan (now Xinbei, Shanxi Province) north of the Yellow River to set up a river defense and cut off the food aid of Tandaoji, which was broken by Shen Linzi and was defeated and killed. Yao Shao heard that Yao QIA died of defeat. Yao Zan, the Duke of Dongping, exercised military power on behalf of Yao Shao and led troops to attack Shen Linzi, who defeated him.
In August, Emperor Wu of Song went to Tongguan to discuss the enterprising plan. Wang Zhene requested to lead the water army from the Yellow River into the Wei River, which matched Chang 'an, and Emperor Wu of Song agreed. Wang Zhene's pilot army entered Weishui from the Yellow River, and Yao Nan, the general of Wu Hui in the late Qin Dynasty, rescued Chang 'an from Xiangcheng (now Chaoyi East, Shaanxi Province). Wang Zhene led the troops in pursuit. Yao Hong led the troops from Bashang back to Tun Shiqiao (now northeast of Luomen, Chang 'an) to help Yao Nan. Yao Qiang, the general of Zhenbei, and Yao Na met in Jingsheng (now Jinghe River enters the mouth of Wei River), and * * * refused Wang Zhene. Wang Zhene sent Mao Dezu to attack and break it. When he died, Yao could not escape to Chang 'an. Yao Zan retreated to Cheng Zheng (now hua county, Shaanxi). At this point, Emperor Wu of Song also marched into Qin Jun, and Yao Hong sent Yao Pi to guard Wei Qiao (now north of Chang 'an), while Hu Yidu, the general of the auxiliary countries, guarded the northeast of the city, and Yao Zan guarded the east of Bashui. Yao Hong went to Xiaoyao Garden (Chang 'an West).
Wang Zhene's army is a long warship, and all the people are in it. Qin people saw the ship going upstream, but there were no rowers outside. There have been no ships in the north, so I'm not surprised. I think it is a god. On August 23rd, the army arrived in Wei Qiao, had a good meal and abandoned the ship and went ashore. The Weihe River is in a fast-flowing state, and in a blink of an eye, boats and boats go with it. At that time, Yao Hong still had tens of thousands of people in Chang 'an. Wang Zhene comforted the soldiers and said, "Your soldiers' homes are all in the south of the Yangtze River. This is outside the North Gate of Chang 'an. They left home in Wan Li. The clothes, money and food carried by the fleet were washed away by the stream. Do you have any plans to survive? Only by fighting to death can we make great contributions, otherwise we will all die here. " So take the lead, everyone knows that there is no way out, and everyone strives for the first place. After Qin Jun was on the verge of collapse, he fled in defeat. Yao Hong and Yao Zan led the troops to rescue them. Yao Pi's army was defeated, trampled on each other and collapsed without fighting. Yao Hong rode back to the palace alone, and Wang Zhene entered Chang 'an from Pingshuomen (North Gate of Chang 'an). The next day, Yao Hong came back with his wife and children, and the later Qin Dynasty perished. There are more than 60,000 households in the city. Wang Zhene preached the state's favor to liquor, calmed people's hearts, kept strict discipline, and the people gradually became safe.
Emperor Wu of Song came to Chang 'an, and Wang Zhene greeted him in Pakistan. Emperor Wu of song comforted him and said, "I really love you for my great cause!" " Wang Zhene bowed twice and declined politely, saying, "It depends on the strength of your majesty and your generals. I have no credit! " Liu said: "Ai Qing wants to learn from Feng Yi."
At this point, the Guanzhong warehouse was overcast, Wang Zhene was extremely convergent, and there were countless descendants. Emperor wu of song because of high work, also don't ask questions. Enter the number of general recruits. At this time, someone reported to Emperor Wu of Song that after Wang Zhene captured Chang 'an, he hid Yao Hong's chariots. I'm afraid he is ambitious. Emperor Wu of song secretly sent someone to find the chariot, only to find that the chariot was neglected on the wall, and all the gold and silver playthings originally decorated on the car were picked up. Liu Yuwen was relieved after listening to this.
In November, Liu, an important official who stayed in Jiangnan, died, and North Korea was empty. When Emperor Wu of Song was ready to attack Shimonoseki, it was in the northwest. At this point, 8 jin j soldiers homesick for a long time, don't want to stay. Emperor Wu of song was also afraid of an accident in Jiangnan, so he decided to arise and crusade. Liu Yizhen, the second son of Guiyang, is only twelve years old and is the general of Anxi. He used to be the secretariat of Yongzheng and Qinzhou, guarding Chang 'an. He said that Anxi Sima, Feng Yi, the satrap, and Lu, the general, were assigned the responsibility of guarding.
When the army returned to the east, Helian Bobo persecuted the north and sent the army to fight against Shen. The enemy was very strong, so Shen retreated to Liu and sent someone back to know. In front of Shen emissary, he said to Master Anxi, "You should give us a child of 10 years old, so you should do your best wholeheartedly. If you don't go in now, how can the thief army be eliminated? " The messenger went back to report, and Shen was very scared. Because Wang Zhene's grandfather Wang Meng was the prime minister of the former Qin Dynasty for many years, his popularity was very good, and Wang Zhene made great contributions, so the Jin army was taboo. When Shen and Fu Hongzhi were at odds, they said to Emperor Wu of Song many times: "The evil family in the town is in Guanzhong, so you can't trust it." Emperor Wu of Song said, "Leave your civil and military officials and soldiers and 10,000 elite troops. If he wants to cause trouble, he will only bring about his own destruction. Needless to say. " Emperor Wu of song privately said to Shen, "Zhong Hui can't have an accident at will because of waiting for someone. As the saying goes,' beasts are not as good as foxes'. What are you more than a dozen people afraid of Wang Zhene! "In December, emperor wu of song left changan. When Helian Bobo was strong, he saw that Emperor Wu of Song arrived in Chang 'an, and did not dare to move. When the army returns to the east, Helian Bobo can easily invade the north in December.
In the 14th year of Yixi (4 18), He Lianqian, a general of Xia Jun, arrived at the north bank of Weishui River, and the people in Guanzhong surrendered, and the road ran through. Shen led an army to resist, fearing that Xia Jun was short of troops and did not dare to move forward. He retreated to Liu and sent envoys back to Chang 'an to report. To Anxi people with a long history, "Qiu entrusted a child of 10 to us and should make every effort." Shen held an army in his hand and refused to move forward. When will he draw the strong man! The messenger went back to the front and told Shen this passage. Shen and he are at odds at ordinary times, but now they are even more angry and afraid. Soon, he and Shen went out to resist in the north of Chang 'an. There is a rumor in the Jin army that "Wang Zhene plans to kill all the people in the south of the Yangtze River, and then send dozens of people to send Liu Yizhen back, and he hides himself in Guanzhong." On the 15th day of the first month (March 7th), Shen invited Fu Hongzhi's camp to hold a military meeting. Shen asked to get rid of the people around him and have a secret conversation. Just after getting rid of the left and right personnel, Shen made his man hide in the tiger account and killed him at the age of 46, claiming to act on the secret order of Qiu Liu Yuzhi. Later, Shen was also killed. In this case, Guanzhong was quickly occupied by Xia Guo.
When Emperor Wu of Song got the news that Wang Zhene was killed, Sima Dezong of Shangshu Province said, "Shen suddenly went crazy and killed Zhongliang." He was posthumously awarded General Zuo and Qingzhou Secretariat. Later, after Emperor Wu of Song ascended the throne, he was named Hou in Longyang County, Wang Zhene, became a strong Hou, and held a sacrificial ceremony in the ancestral temple. His son Wang.