Corresponding original text:
Yuanhe, a native of Ledu, Xiping, was the son of the bald-haired King of Hexi, Latan. Laitan was destroyed by Qifu Chipan, and He Zile all fled to Wei. He Wei has good appearance and good manners. Taiwu Su heard of his name. When he saw it, he used his skills to argue and was given the title of Marquis of Xiping. He said: "You and I have the same origin, and we have different surnames due to events. Now we can be the Yuan clan." From the attack on Hu Bailong to the rebels, and on the Tujing Hu attack, they both entered the battle first. He was promoted to General Pingxi for his meritorious service. When Taiwu conquered Liangzhou, he thought he was the leader of the country and wanted to know how to attack him. He said: "There are four Xianbei tribes outside Guzang, each of which is providing assistance, but they all serve as ancestors of my grandfather. I would like the army to go forward to declare the country's prestige, and I will lead you to surrender. After the foreign aid is surrendered, then attack the isolated city and pull it out like a rebel." "Zhang Er." The emperor said: "Good." He sent congratulations and comfort, and more than 30,000 people came down. When it comes to surrounding Guzang, there are no external concerns, so we can concentrate on attacking it. Liangzhou was in Ping Dynasty, and he was promoted to Duke Xiping due to his merit. He also participated in the expedition, attacked five cities, Tu Jinghu, and defeated the Gai Wu bandits. They all achieved meritorious service, and he was worshiped by Sanqi as his constant attendant. From Jia Linjiang, he was a general in the vanguard. He was good at caring for the soldiers and knew the enemy's plans for victory.
He was a man of great virtue, and whenever he encountered a strong enemy, he would fight with his own strength, and the emperor warned him deeply. He's real name was Po Qiang, and he was a soldier. The emperor said: "When a person establishes a name, it is better to keep it true. How can he abuse it?" He gave the name to He Yan. Pay homage to the minister in the palace. King Yu of Nan'an was killed by Zong Ai, and Hebu banned the troops and kept quiet inside and outside. He decided with Lu Li, the Minister of the South, to make a decision, and Dai Wencheng was appointed. Ling Li and Liu Nichi went to the Yiyuan to welcome them, and He Yingzhong was the internal response. Erli hugged Wencheng and rode alone. When he ascended the throne, he congratulated Li Liyan. With the decision of the policy, he was promoted to King Xiping. When the class was given a hundred buildings, he was congratulated and ordered to take any of them. He said that there were no guests from the south of the Yangtze River and no money from the north of the Han Dynasty. The treasury should not be short. If you insist on taking it, you can only take a few soldiers and horses.
There are many prisons. He wrote a letter saying: "The law of the case is that although the descendants of a treasonous family support other clans, all the criminals will be killed when they are recovered to show the guilt of the treason. He is a robber who should be executed, and his brothers and nephews are far away from each other. None of them sit down. It is just the intention of the previous dynasty to violate the law, and it is not an extraordinary crime. Therefore, if the death edict is issued at the age of thirteen, I will be foolish to think that I can save my life. , did not enter the official position." Emperor accepted it.
He became the governor of Jizhou and was granted the title of King of Longxi. After being punished, he wrote a letter saying: "I heard that the most valuable thing for a person is not life; and the most virtuous person, there is nothing more valuable than forgiveness of death. However, it is difficult to forgive the crime of death. The weight of the power can be treated with pity. Today, the ghosts of the bandits are wandering in the north, and the cunning thieves are in danger in the south. They are on the battlefield, and they still need to be on guard. I foolishly thought that I was not guilty of treason and killing people with my bare hands. The crime of taking stolen goods, stealing, and making mistakes should go to the dead. All can be relegated to the border. This is the case, and the body that has been broken is more favored by birth; the house of the corvee is gradually benefiting from the punishment, and the concubine is here. "The emperor is happy to accept it. The dead are all allowed to die and move to the other side. After a long time, the emperor told his officials: "Xi Yuanhe persuaded me to forgive the death penalty and move to the garrison in Beihui. From now on, I have lived a lot in one year. There are many principles to help the fate, and the border garrison Soldiers are good for everyone. If I come to the world, there is no need to worry!" The officials said: "No one who is not a loyal minister can enter into this plan, and no one who is not a saint can accept this."
Congratulations on my coming. In the state, the prisons are filled with affection, the corvee service is simplified, and the covenants are clear and generous, which is very popular among the people. At that time, Shi Hua, a traitor in Wuyi County, reported to Sha Mendao that he was conspiring to rebel against He, and officials heard about it. Wen Cheng said: "He Bao is not like this." He then went through intensive interrogation, and Hua Guo falsely accused him. He sent envoys to comfort him. The emperor looked around and said: "Congratulations on Zhongzhong, it is still possible to slander him. If you are not like this, you have to be careless!" At that time, He Zheng was the highest in the palace, and he was given clothes, horses and utensils, and his class spread to the world. After the expedition, he paid homage to the Taiwei. He Congjia attacked and defeated the enemy. When the document was sent to Prince Tui in Jingzhao, he sent congratulations to the governor and the military officers who were stationed in Monan, and they rushed to send congratulations. Congratulations, you can't be serious and stubborn. That is to say, the imperial edict was issued to honor the emperor's seal and ribbon to confer filial piety. That year, Hexi rebelled, and sent congratulatory orders to attack them, but many of them surrendered and defeated them. He relied on the ancient and modern art of war as well as the old sayings of the Confucians and the Qi Dynasty, and collected the key points into twelve pictures. He also commanded the three armies to garrison in Monan.
At that time, every autumn and winter, three groups of troops were sent out to prepare for the northern invaders, and in the middle of spring they were the main force. He Yi worked in Kyoto, but it was not a long-term plan for the imperial border. Instead, he proposed to recruit 30,000 brave men from various states and towns, restore their corvee taxes, increase their taxes, and divide them into three groups. A city was built between the two towns, with ten thousand people in it, twelve crossbows, and three hundred military guards. A crossbow bed is given to six oxen, and a Wuwei ride is given to two oxen. Make more carbines and other equipment, and send two generals to pacify them. In the winter, we should focus on martial arts, in the spring, we should plant, garrison and plow together, so that the soldiers will have surplus and storage before they have to work hard. They also set up three warehouses in the south of Baidao and transported and rented millet from nearby towns to fill it. Having enough food and troops to prepare for any danger will make things easier. Don't always raise a crowd. Don't report anything when you go to sleep.
I wrote a letter saying that I was sick and begging for bones, but after repeated requests, I agreed. When there was a big discussion in the court, everyone inquired and gave him clothes, medicine and treasures. In February of the first year of Taihe, diseases were treated with warm soup.
Empress Dowager Xiaowen and Wenming sent envoys to ask for news repeatedly, and the imperial doctors diagnosed the disease. If you are in trouble, return to the capital. He then ordered all the disciples to say: "I have just excused myself because of my old illness, and if I don't realize the mercy of God, I will catch you. You should not be arrogant, stingy, lazy, extravagant, or jealous. If you have any doubts, speak up. Think carefully, act respectfully, obey the good, be close to the virtuous, and keep the sycophant away. The eyes must be true, the ears must be correct, be loyal and diligent in serving the king, and keep the promise to yourself. After my death, I will be buried. At that time, he wore a single casket, which was a sign of filial piety, and the bright weapon was of no use. "In the third year of his death, he presented the seal ribbon to the minister, Taiwei, and the king of Longxi, and gave him the posthumous title of King Xuan. He was given a chariot, life uniforms, and secret weapons to be buried in Jinling.
Translation: Yuan He, a native of Ledu, Xiping, is the son of the self-proclaimed King of Hexi, Bald-haired Anshan Shan. Tufa Anshanshan was destroyed by Qifu Chipan, and Yuanhe and Congle all defected to Wei. Yuan He has a majestic appearance and elegant demeanor. Emperor Taiwu had always heard of his name. After being summoned, he appreciated his wit and talent and awarded him the title of Marquis of Xiping. Emperor Taiwu said to him, "You and I are descended from the same ancestor. Later, our surnames were different because of the different countries we lived in. Now you can change your surname to Yuan." Yuanhe accompanied him to conquer the Hu rebel Bailong, and then conquered the Tibetan people. He charged into battle with both Jing and Hu, and was awarded the title of General Pingxi due to his military exploits. When Emperor Taiwu went to Liangzhou, he asked him to be his guide and asked him how to attack Liangzhou. Yuan He said: "Besides Guzang, there are four Xianbei tribes, all of whom are serving as foreign aid to Liangzhou, but they are all old subordinates of my grandfather. I am willing to promote the prestige of our dynasty before the war. They will definitely surrender one after another. Foreign aid After being surrendered, it would not be easy to attack an isolated city. Emperor Taiwu said, "Okay." So he sent him to recruit more than 30,000 people and laid siege to Guzang City. Since there was no need to worry about foreign aid, he Able to concentrate on attacking the city. After Liangzhou was pacified, Yuanhe was promoted to the title of Duke of Xiping because of his military exploits. He also accompanied him to conquer Weiwei, conquered five cities, Tujinghu, and defeated Gaiwu and other bandits. He made great achievements in all of them and was worshiped as a regular attendant of Sanqi. He followed the emperor to the Yangtze River. As a forward general, he was good at comforting the soldiers and had strategies for defeating the enemy.
Yuanhe was brave and decisive. Every time he encountered a strong enemy, he fought hard with the enemy personally. The emperor often admonished him. Yuanhe's original name was Po Qiang. During that battle, the emperor said to him: "People should keep their names true, how can they be confused?" He was given the name He, and he was appointed minister of the palace. After King Yu of Nan'an came to the throne, he was killed by Zong Ai. Yuan He commanded the forbidden troops to control the situation inside and outside the palace. He also discussed with Lu Li, the Minister of the South, to decide on national policies. He supported Emperor Wencheng and ordered Lu Li and Liu Ni to ride to the imperial garden to welcome him. Yuan He He served as an internal correspondent in the Forbidden Army camp. After a while, Lu Li came holding Emperor Wencheng in his arms and riding a horse together. Until he came to the throne, Yuanhe played a great role. Because of his great contribution in deciding national policy, he was promoted to the title of King of Xiping. When rewarding hundreds of officials, Yuanhe was ordered to choose whatever he wanted. Yuanhe declined, saying that because the guests south of the Yangtze River had not yet surrendered and the north of the desert had no vassals to pay tribute, the national treasury should not be depleted due to rewards. Emperor Wencheng insisted that he take a reward, but he only took a war horse.
At that time, prison terms and sentences were too harsh. Yuanhe wrote a letter saying: "According to the law, for those who rebel, their descendants must be traced and killed even if they are adopted by other families. This is to eliminate the guilt of the sinners." Similarly, I preached that the treacherous officials deserved their death, and that those who were robbers and deserved to be killed would not be implicated even if they were thousands of miles away. I thought that the purpose of enacting this law was to prevent others from being punished. If the conspirator commits a crime other than genocide, a special edict must be issued. If the parents commit a heinous crime and the child is under the age of thirteen, it is impossible for them to participate in the conspiracy. In my humble opinion, they should be spared. Life, confiscation and officialdom." The emperor accepted his suggestion.
Yuanhe also served as the governor of Jizhou and was granted the title of King of Longxi. After being appointed, he wrote a letter saying: "I heard that the most precious thing is life; the deepest kindness is to forgive people for capital crimes. However, not all those who commit capital crimes can be forgiven. We should weigh the seriousness of the crime, and some are worthy of mercy. Compassionate. Nowadays, there are powerful barbarian bandits roving and harassing in the north, and cunning barbarians taking advantage of the danger to cause chaos in the south. The farmers who work in the fields have to serve to guard the border.
In my humble opinion, in addition to committing treason and killing people with bare hands, those criminals who commit corruption, theft and negligent crimes should be executed according to the law. We can let them live and let them guard the border. This will make those who have already lost their lives The people who had to serve received the benefit of rebirth; and the farmers who had to serve received the benefit of being able to recuperate and recuperate. It is hoped that the improvement of penal measures can start from this. "The emperor appreciated this suggestion very much and approved its implementation. From then on, those who committed capital crimes were spared their lives and went to guard the border. After many years, the emperor said to his ministers: "Back then, Yuanhe advised me to forgive everyone. condemned prisoners and sent them to the northern border to guard the country. Since then, very few have survived a year. This not only saved the lives of many people, but also satisfied the supply of troops for the garrison. If everyone is like Yuanhe, I will rule the world, and there will be nothing to worry about!" All the ministers said, "If you are not a loyal minister, you will not make such a suggestion, and if you are not a wise king, you will not accept such a suggestion. "
When Yuanhe was in power in Jizhou, he ruled in court cases in a fair and reasonable manner, and never promoted labor or military service. He was honest, thrifty, magnanimous, and won the hearts of the people. At that time, Shi Hua, a treacherous villain in Wuyi County, falsely accused a monk. Daoke and Yuanhe conspired to rebel, and the relevant departments reported the news. Emperor Wencheng said: "Yuanhe would never do such a thing." "So he ordered people to interrogate him carefully, and it turned out that Shi Hua's confession was a false accusation. So he sent envoys to Yuanhe to encourage him. The emperor said to his trusted ministers: "Yuanhe is so loyal that he even incurred false accusations and slander. Those ministers who are not as good as him are even more You have to be careful and vigilant!" At that time, when the performance was evaluated, Yuanhe's political performance was the best. The emperor gave him clothes, horses and utensils, and issued an edict to inform the world. Later, Yuanhe was named Taiwei, and he invaded the border. Yuanhe accompanied him on the expedition, and defeated the bandits. Emperor Xianwen wanted to pass the throne to Prince Jingzhao. At that time, Yuanhe led the army to the south of the desert. The emperor sent Yuanhe to fly back to the capital, so the emperor immediately issued an edict. He was asked to hold the emperor's jade seal ribbon and pass it to Emperor Xiaowen. In the same year, Chile in the west of the Yellow River rebelled, and Yuanhe sent troops to conquer the rebels. Taking the essence, he made twelve formations and presented them to the imperial court. Emperor Xianwen admired them after reading them. Yuanhe later led the army of the Three Dao to live in Monan.
At that time, every autumn and winter. All three armies must be sent together to guard against the enemy invaders in the north, and they will not be deployed until the spring of the next year. Yuanhe thought that this would add a lot of labor tasks to the capital and was not a long-term solution to defend against border troubles, so he reported to the court, Request to recruit 30,000 people with martial arts and courage from various states, cities, and military towns, exempt them from labor and taxes, and provide more relief subsidies to their families. Divide these 30,000 people into three parts, between each two military towns. Build a city defense, garrison 10,000 people in each city, issue 12 giant bows with racks, 300 chariots for warriors, six oxen for each giant bow, and two bullfights for each chariot. Make a large number of horse harnesses, weapons and other equipment, and send two generals with strong martial arts skills to guard each city. They practice martial arts in the winter and engage in agriculture while guarding the border. This way the soldiers will not be tired and can still have food and grass reserves. Three granaries were set up in the south of Baidao to transport the rented grain from nearby states and towns. This way, the troops and grain were sufficient to prepare for unpredictable enemy situations, which was very convenient. There was no need to mobilize troops every year.
Yuanhe wrote a letter saying that he was ill and asked to retire and return to his hometown. He applied many times before the emperor approved it. Whenever there was a major decision in the court, the emperor would send someone to consult him. He was rewarded with clothes, medicines and delicious food. In February of the first year of Taihe, Yuanhe went to a hot spring for treatment. Emperor Xiaowen and Empress Dowager Wenming sent envoys to inquire about his condition many times, and sent imperial doctors to treat him. Afterwards, he returned to the capital and said to his sons before his death: "I resigned from my post not long ago due to old age and illness. Unexpectedly, God's grace allowed you to inherit my title. Don't be proud and stingy, and don't have fun and indulgence." , don’t show off extravagantly, don’t be jealous and suspicious. If you have any doubts, ask more questions, speak cautiously, behave modestly, and dress within limits. We should avoid evil and promote good, be close to the virtuous and alienate the treacherous and sycophants. The eyes should see the true side of things, the ears should listen to reasonable words, be loyal and diligent to the emperor, and be honest and thrifty to yourself.
When I am buried after my death, as long as I wear the clothes I carry with me and you prepare a coffin, it will be enough to show my filial piety. The cud coffin and other obvious weapons are of no use at all. "When Taihe passed away in the third year, he was posthumously given a seal ribbon by his servants, Taiwei, and the King of Longxi, and was given the posthumous title "King Xuan". He was also given a funeral car and life clothes, and a coffin produced by Wen Ming was buried with him in Jinling.