Clap the back of the hand or the instep, arch the limbs and contract, firmly grasp and clap his hand; Clap the palms and soles of your feet and grasp the limbs; Pat your toes, toes up, toes open. Visual response to dark patterns; You can see an object about 20 cm away from him. Beyond this range, the reflection is slow. Sensitive to the source of sound. If your hand accidentally touches an object, it will hold it tightly. Will take the initiative to find nipples; Can show excitement and sadness. This is the main growth and development index of the baby in the first week of life. You can compare and observe the baby.
None of these indicators are absolute, and they may be earlier or later, because babies are unpredictable. It is best to take your child to a regular hospital for examination as soon as possible, so as not to delay the child's growth.