Why do everyone call Toyota Prado "Toyota Domineering"?

Toyota Prado is the standardized Chinese name of Toyota. It is the Chinese transliteration of the English Prado. In the past, the Chinese names of Toyota models were free translations, and the names were usually named after Hong Kong and Taiwan. Later, Toyota The company just came up with a standardized Chinese name. All models have adopted English transliterations, and all models have been changed, such as: Land Cruiser Toyota was changed to Land Cruiser, Lexus was changed to Lexus, Corolla was changed to Corolla, Venza was changed to Yaris, and Grandmaster was changed to Prey Via.

Now netizens still call him Ba Dao because his name used to be Shunkou and he couldn’t change his name for a while. It’s not a domestic or foreign name. The standard Chinese name is Prado.

For example, the Korean government changed the name of Seoul, the capital of South Korea, to Seoul. The same principle applies.

Although I also think the original name is more impressive and nice to hear, Toyota still chose a standardized name, so let’s change it.