What is hydroponic vegetables?

Hydroponic vegetables include lettuce, agarwood, water spinach, potato, purple spinach, celery, leaf beet, chicory, water spinach, watercress and so on. The characteristic of hydroponic vegetables is that the roots are mainly composed of milky hairy roots, which grow in nutrient solution layer and only provide water, nutrients and oxygen through nutrient solution. The growth cycle of hydroponic vegetables is shorter than that of soil-cultured vegetables.

Before carrot hydroponics, peel off the bottom of a healthy carrot, leaving only the head, and then soak the carrot head in water. Usually, new leaves can be found in carrots after three to five days, and then the carrots can be changed with water once a week.

Cut off the celery head and find a basin with a shallow bottom, or put a toothpick in the bowl and pour water into the basin. The position of water is about one third of that of celery. Then don't do anything, just change the water every day.

In hydroponics, do not soak the whole potato in water, but expose half of it to the water, and the exposed part will sprout in the growth process.