What are the functions of java inner classes and anonymous inner classes?

Java inner classes \x0d\ are divided into four types: member inner classes, local inner classes, static inner classes and anonymous inner classes. \x0d\ 1。 Member inner class: that is, it exists as a member of the outer class, and is juxtaposed with the properties and methods of the outer class. \x0d\ Note: Static variables cannot be defined in the inner class of members, but all members of the outer class can be accessed. \ x0d \ public class Outer { \ x0d \ private static int I = 1; \ x0d \ private int j = 10; \ x0d \ private int k = 20\ x0d \ public static void outer _ f 1(){ \ x0d \//do more something \ x0d \ } \ x0d \//do more something \ x0d \ } \ x0d \ \ x0d \// member inner class \ x0d \ classinner {\ x0d \//staticintainer _ i =100; //Static variables are not allowed to be defined in inner classes \ x0d \ int j =100; //Instance variables of external classes in internal classes can be stored in \x0d\int inner_i= 1; \ x0d \ void inner _ f 1(){ \ x0d \ system . out . println(I); //If the variable of the external class has no duplicate name with the variable of the internal class, you can directly access the variable of the external class \ x0d \ system.out.println (j) with the variable name; //directly use the variable name \x0d\ System.out.println(this.j) to access the internal class's own variables; //You can also use "this". Variable name "Access internal class variables in internal classes \x0d\ // You can use" external class name. This. Variable name "to access an instance variable with the same name in an external class. \ x0d \ system . out . println(k); //If the variables of the external class and the variables of the internal class have no duplicate names, you can directly access the variables of the external class with the variable name \x0d\ outer_f 1 (); \ x0d \ outer _ F2(); \x0d\}\x0d\}\x0d\// Non-static method of external class accesses member internal class \ x0d \ public o void outer _ F3 () {\ x0d \ innerinner = newinner (); \ x0d \ inner . inner _ f 1(); \ x0d \} \ x0d \ \ x0d \/ The static method of the external class accesses the internal class of a member, just like accessing the internal class of a member other than the external class \ x0d \ public static void outer _ F4 () {\ x0d \/step1establishes an external class object \ x0d \ outer out. \ x0d \/* * Step 2: Establish an internal class object according to the external class object * * \ x0d \ innerinner = out.newinner (); \ x0d \/step3 Method of accessing inner class \ x0d \ inner.inner _ f1(); \ x0d \ } \ x0d \ \ x0d \ public static void main(String[]args){ \ x0d \ outer _ F4(); \x0d\}\x0d\}\x0d\ Advantages of the member inner class: \ x0d \ (1) As a member of the external class, the inner class can access the private members or properties of the external class. Even if the external class is declared private, it is still visible to the internal class. ) \ x0d \ 2 Use inner classes to define properties that are inaccessible in outer classes. In this way, the access rights in the external class are less than the private rights of the external class. \x0d\ Note: Inner classes are a compile-time concept. Once compiled successfully, they will become two completely different classes. For the external class named outer and its internally defined internal class named inner. There are two categories after compilation: outer.class and outer$inner.class \x0d\2. Local inner class: an inner class defined in a method, which is similar to a local variable. There is no modifier public or private before the local inner class, and its scope is the code block that defines it. \x0d\ Note: Static variables cannot be defined in local inner classes. You can access local variables of external classes (that is, variables in methods), but these variables must be final. \ x0d \ public class Outer { \ x0d \ private int s = 100; \ x0d \ private int out _ I = 1; \ x0d \ public void f(final int k){ \ x0d \ final int s = 200; \ x0d \ int I = 1; \ x0d \ final int j = 10; \x0d\ class Inner{ // Define \ x0d \ ints = 300 in the method//You can define a variable with the same name as the external class \ x0d \//staticint m = 20; //Cannot define static variable \ x0d \ inner (int k) {\ x0d \ inner _ f (k); \ x0d \ } \ x0d \ int inner _ I = 100; \ x0d \ void inner _ f(int k){ \ x0d \ system . out . println(out _ I); //If the inner class has no variable with the same name as the outer class, you can directly access the instance variable \ x0d \ system.out.println (k) of the outer class in the inner class; //* * * can access local variables of external classes (that is, variables within methods), but the variables must be * * * \ x0d \//system. out . println(I)of final; \ x0d \ system . out . println(s); //If there is a variable with the same name as the external class in the internal class, directly access the variable of the internal class \x0d\ System.out.println(this.s) with the variable name; //Internal class variable \ x0d \ system. Out.println (outer.this.s) also uses "this". Variable name "; //External class variable \x0d\ }\x0d\ }\x0d\ new Inner(k) is accessed with external "external class name. this. variable name"; \ x0d \} \ x0d \ \ public static void main (string [] args) {\ x0d \//Before accessing the local inner class, there must be an external class object \ x0d \ outeroout = newouter (); \ x0d \ out . f(3); \x0d\} \x0d\} \ x0d \ \ x0d \ Note: \ x0d \ cannot directly generate a local inner class outside the class (to ensure that the local inner class is invisible to the outside). If you want to use a local inner class, you need to generate an object, which calls the method, and then you can call its local inner class in the method. Forced weak coupling is realized between the inner class and the interface, and the interface is realized by the local inner class. The interface type is returned in the method, which makes the local inner class invisible and the visibility of the realized class is shielded. \x0d\\x0d\3。 Static inner class: A static inner class is defined in a class, except any method, which is defined by static. \x0d\ Note: Static or non-static members can be defined in the static inner class \ x0d \ public class outer {\ x0d \ private static int i =1; \ x0d \ private int j = 10; \ x0d \ public static void outer _ f1() {\ x0d \ x0d} \ x0d \ public void outer _ F2 () {\ x0d \ \ x0d \} \ x0d \/static inner classes can be public and protected. //Static or non-static members can be defined in the static inner class \ x0d \ Static Class Inner {\ x0d \ Static Tinner _ i =100; \ x0d \ int inner _ j = 200\ x0d \ static void inner _ f 1(){ \ x0d \ system . out . println(" outer . I "+I); //Static inner classes can only access static members of external classes \ x0d \ outer _ f1(); //Including static variables and static methods \ x0d \} \ x0d \ Void inner _ f2 () {\ x0d \//system. out . println(" outer . I "+j); //Static inner classes cannot access non-static members of outer classes \ x0d \//outer _ F2(); (); //Contains non-static variables and non-static methods \ x0d \} \ x0d \} \ x0d \ public void outer _ f3 () {\ x0d \//The external class accesses the static member of the internal class: the internal class. Static member \ x0d \ system. Get out. \ x0d \ inner . inner _ f 1(); \x0d\// The external class accesses the non-static members of the internal class: just instantiate the internal class \ x0d \ innerinner = newinner (); \ x0d \ inner . inner _ F2(); \ x0d \ \ x0d \ } \ x0d \ public static void main(String[]args){ \ x0d \ new Outer()。 outer _ F3(); \ x0d \} \ x0d \} \ x0d \ \ x0d \ Note: * * * * * Generating (creating) a static inner class does not require external class members: this is the difference between a static inner class and a member inner class. Objects that can directly generate static inner classes: \ x0d \ outer.inner in = newouter.inner (); \x0d\ Do not generate external class objects. This actually makes the static inner class a top-level class. Static inner classes cannot be defined by private. * * * * * \x0d\ \ Example: \x0d\ For two classes, there is the same method: \ x0d \ classpeople \ x0d \ {\ x0d \ run (); \ x0d \ } \ x0d \ class Machine { \ x0d \ run(); \x0d\}\x0d\ There is a robot human at this time: \ x0d \ class robot extensions people implementation machine. \ x0d \ run () cannot be directly implemented at this time. \x0d\ Note: When a method naming conflict occurs between a class and an interface (or between interfaces), it must be implemented by using an inner class. Multiple inheritance can't be completely realized by interfaces, but real multiple inheritance can be realized by interfaces and inner classes. \x0d\\x0d\4。 Anonymous inner class \x0d\ Anonymous inner class is a special local inner class, and the interface is realized by anonymous class. \x0d\IA is defined as an interface. \ x0d \ IA I = new IA(){ }; \ x0d \ x0d \ Features of anonymous inner class: \ x0d \ x0d \ 1, a class is used to inherit other classes or implement interfaces, and it is not necessary to add additional methods, only the inherited methods need to be pre-covered. \x0d\2, just get an object instance, without knowing its actual type. \x0d\3, the class name is meaningless, just don't need to use it. \ x0d \ \ x0d \ public class Outer { \ x0d \ private static int I = 1; \ x0d \ private int j = 10; \ x0d \ public static void outer _ f1() {\ x0d \ x0d} \ x0d \ public void outer _ F2 () {\ x0d \ \ x0d \} \ x0d \/static inner classes can be public and protected. //Static or non-static members can be defined in the static inner class \ x0d \ Static Class Inner {\ x0d \ Static Tinner _ i =100; \ x0d \ int inner _ j = 200\ x0d \ static void inner _ f 1(){ \ x0d \ system . out . println(" outer . I "+I); //Static inner classes can only access static members of external classes \ x0d \ outer _ f1(); //Including static variables and static methods \ x0d \} \ x0d \ Void inner _ f2 () {\ x0d \//system. out . println(" outer . I "+j); //Static inner classes cannot access non-static members of outer classes \ x0d \//outer _ F2(); (); //Contains non-static variables and non-static methods \ x0d \} \ x0d \} \ x0d \ public void outer _ f3 () {\ x0d \//External classes access static members of internal classes: internal classes. Static member \ x0d \ system.out.println (inner \ x0d \ inner.inner _ f1(); \x0d\// The external class accesses the non-static members of the internal class: just instantiate the internal class \ x0d \ innerinner = newinner (); \ x0d \ inner . inner _ F2(); \ x0d \ \ x0d \ } \ x0d \ public static void main(String[]args){ \ x0d \ new Outer()。 outer _ F3(); \ x0d \} \ x0d \} \ x0d \ \ x0d \ Note: Anonymous inner classes must be followed by new, which is used to implicitly implement interfaces or classes without class names. According to polymorphism, we use its parent class name. Because it is a local inner class, all the restrictions of the local inner class will take effect on it. An anonymous inner class is the only class that has no constructor. Most anonymous inner classes are used for interface callbacks. The anonymous inner class is automatically named $ 1.class by the system at compile time. If an object is compiled into an interface, it runs as a class that implements the interface. Because anonymous inner classes have no constructors, their use is very limited. Local inner classes are used when multiple objects are needed, so the application of local inner classes is relatively more. Constructors cannot be defined in anonymous inner classes. If an object is compiled into an interface, it runs as a class that implements the interface. \ x0d \ \ x0d \ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Therefore, It has closed levels of class members: private, protected, friendly), public\x0d\ x0d \ It has modifiers of class members: static, final, abstract\x0d\ 2. Non-static inner class is nested with inner class, which implies a pointer to the outer class this, so it can access all resources of the outer class (including private, of course) \ x0d \ The outer class must obtain the object of the inner class first, and it depends on the encapsulation level of the inner class members. \x0d\ A non-static inner class cannot contain any static members. \x0d\3。 Static inner class: a static inner class, which no longer contains this pointer to the external class, is initialized when the external class is loaded. \x0d\ Static inner class can contain static or non-static members. \x0d\ Static inner classes can only access static members of outer classes. \x0d\ External class access. For static members, you can access them by class name. Members, for non-static members, they can only be accessed by objects. Member \ x0d \ x0d \ 4. For internal classes in a method or block, they can only access the final variables in the block or method. There are two types of \ x0d \ x0d \ class members: static and non-static, and internal classes also have instances of these two types of \ x0d \ non-static internal classes. You must create it in a method of an external class or through an instance of the external class. New internal class name (constructor parameter)), and you can directly access the information of external classes. External class objects can refer to the instance of \x0d\static internal class through OuterClassName.this, and you can create it directly without referring to the instance of external class. \x0d\ Internal classes have references to external classes whether static or non-static \x0d\ Non-static internal classes are not allowed to have static members \x0d\\x0d\ Internal classes in methods are only allowed to access the final local variables in methods and the final parameter list of methods, so there is no difference between internal classes and internal classes in methods. However, the inner class in the method cannot be accessed outside the method, and there cannot be a static inner class in the method \x0d\ anonymous inner class. If it inherits from an interface, it must implement the method that specifies the interface, and there is no parameter \x0d\ anonymous inner class. If it inherits from the class, the parameter must be passed as the parameter of the constructor of the parent class.