Repeated, intense sexual desire and arousing imagination, including spying on the nude or sexual intercourse of the opposite sex, and putting them into action for at least half a year. This kind of behavior may exist in both heterosexuals and homosexuals, but voyeurism and other deviant ways are the main or only source of sexual satisfaction.
Fetishism refers to the repeated use of an inanimate object or a part of the opposite sex as a stimulus for sexual satisfaction. Touching, smelling, stroking or masturbating in such sensitive parts, or holding such items during sexual intercourse, can achieve sexual satisfaction. This kind of sexual desire imagination can only be diagnosed as fetishism if it recurs for not less than half a year. This kind of things are called sentimentally attached things, and they are all special and exciting things. Such as razors, socks, bras, underwear, condoms, sanitary napkins and so on. The opposite sex or the same sex may be included. This kind of abnormal sexual behavior, heterosexual patients than gay patients.
The transvestite's repeated and intense sexual desire and imagination involve transvestite's dressing up and put it into action for at least half a year. Generally, from the age of 5 to the age of 14, they wear heterosexual clothes and often masturbate at this time to strengthen their sexual excitement. Most patients have no difficulty in normal sexual life, and some patients only show low sexual desire. A few patients wear clothes of the opposite sex just to get a sense of comfort.
Sexual asphyxia is generally to choose hidden places such as bathrooms, bedrooms and basements to avoid being discovered. Usually, the neck or other parts of the body, such as genitals, are tightened with ropes or hung to limit breathing. A few people reported using tools or methods such as plastic bags, masks, bandages or inhaling harmful natural gas. Death cases all suffocate when they can't save themselves. The age of death was mostly 12 ~ 17 years old, and most of them were unmarried.
Pedophiles take children before puberty (generally 12, 13 years old or younger) as their sexual objects.
Repeated and intense sexual desire and imagination, typically including rubbing sensitive parts of strangers' bodies with genitals and taking further actions for at least half a year.
Sexual sadism and sexual sadism are repeated and intense sexual desires. Imagination includes inflicting psychological or physical harm on sexual objects to get sexual excitement and satisfaction, and putting them into action for at least half a year. On the contrary, masochists can endure such injuries or pains to get sexual excitement or satisfaction. The two can exist separately or coexist.
The main feature of transsexualism is that the psychological identity of one's own gender is just the opposite of anatomical and physiological gender characteristics. There is a persistent strong desire to change my gender anatomical characteristics in order to achieve gender transformation. Usually begins in youth. In childhood, I usually associate with the opposite sex and wear the opposite sex clothes, but I have no sexual excitement (different from the opposite sex clothing addiction), and I have the opposite sex's tone of voice, posture and behavior. They hate their sex organs and demand sex-change surgery to change their sex. This desire usually lasts, and some people try to commit suicide.
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