Moses let God take charge of him, and Yue Se obeyed. That's why there are no complainers in Yue Se. Jacob's eleventh son was also Rachel's first son. Rachel named the child Yue Se, which means "add up", indicating that she longed for God to give her another son. From then on, Yue Se was not mentioned in the Bible until 17 years old. The Bible mentions that he and his brothers herded sheep for his father.
Father loves Yue Se more than his brother, because Yue Se was born in his later years, the first son of his wife. Because of this, Yue Se's brother is very jealous of him. When Jacob made a long-sleeved new dress for Yue Se (this kind of dress can be seen in the murals of Henonghota II in Beni Hassan and Gurny's noble tomb near Luxor), they became more and more jealous of him. Yue Se told them what he saw in his dream, and his brothers bowed down to him. They hated him even more. Later, Jacob sent Yue Se to Shechem to look for his brothers and sheep, and they sold Yue Se to Egyptian merchants.