★1: Soft keyboard input
Most input methods including Smart ABC, Quanpin, Wangma Wubi, Microsoft Pinyin, Ziguang, Sogou, Jidian Wubi, etc. are provided. Soft keyboard input function. Click the small keyboard button on the input method control bar to open it. Then use the keyboard to input, and you will find that the input is different. In addition, you can select different types such as "Number Serial Number", "Mathematical Symbol", "Special Symbol" and so on by right-clicking, and the keyboard layout will also change accordingly. (Picture 1)
Picture 1
Shortcut key combinations
Some input methods, such as Pinyin Jiajia, Jidian Wubi, etc., do not need to open the soft keyboard. You can enter some special symbols with shortcut key combinations, and these shortcut keys do not require special memory. For example, in Pinyin Jiajia, if you enter the pinyin abbreviation "rmb" of "RMB", you can enter "¥"; if you enter the pinyin abbreviation "wjx" of "five-pointed star", you can enter "☆" and "★"...
Find the voice input bar to open smart ABC, and directly enter V1 (enter V first, then enter 1