Glow is correct, Huan is the scattered Huan. The meaning of radiant huan is to be radiant and rejuvenated.
Huan: phonogram. From water, Huan Sheng. Original meaning: scattered, scattered. Such as: Huanran Bingshi (such as the dissolution of ice. Often used to refer to the dissipation of misunderstandings and problems); Huanchi (Huanchi. Scattered, not concentrated); Huanpan (dissolution, melting); Huanyan (spread, diffusion).
Example: In fact, if you understand the specific actual situation of that year, any doubts will be cleared up.
Huan: shine; glow, radiate light. Such as: Huanmu (dazzling. The light reflects, dazzling); Huanying (brilliance reflects); Huanyi (radiant); Huanyang (magnificent); Huanjing (radiant; glowing brilliance).
Example: At the Asian Games, Chinese athletes were all radiant and lined up neatly towards the rostrum for review.