Test question analysis: This question tests students’ ability to master and understand Sun Yat-sen’s thoughts, and also tests students’ ability to analyze materials. From the word "awakening the people" in the material, we can see that it is the content of the new Three People's Principles. During the old Three People's Principles, Sun Yat-sen had not yet realized the greatness of the power of the people. After Yuan Shikai usurped the fruits of the revolution, he failed in a series of democratic revolutionary struggles. He started a new exploration and decided to cooperate with the Chinese Communist Party; from the "Unite the nations of the world who are waiting for us as equals" in the material, it can be seen that he wanted to unite with Russia, because at that time only the Soviet Union was a socialist country, and it was no longer an invasion of China. Tsarist Russia, other imperialist countries cannot wait for China as an equal.