What is the number of I in mathematics?

In mathematics, even numbers whose exponents are negative are defined as pure imaginary numbers. Defined as me? =- 1。 All imaginary numbers are complex numbers. But the imaginary number has no arithmetic root, so √ (-1) = i. For z=a+bi, it can also be expressed in the form of iA power of e, where e is constant, I is imaginary unit, and A is imaginary amplitude, which can be expressed as z=cosA+isinA. A pair of numbers consisting of real numbers and imaginary numbers is regarded as a number within the range of complex numbers, so it is called a complex number. Imaginary number is neither positive nor negative. Complex numbers that are not real numbers, even pure imaginary numbers, cannot compare sizes.

Imaginary number is a number whose square is negative. The word imaginary number was founded by Descartes, a famous mathematician in the17th century, because the concept at that time thought it was a non-existent real number. Later, it was found that the imaginary number can correspond to the vertical axis on the plane, which is as real as the real number corresponding to the horizontal axis on the plane.

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Imaginary number _ Baidu Encyclopedia

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