Naming Crane and Fox

You can call them Xiaobai and Xiaohu.

Red-crowned crane (scientific name: Grus japonensis): It is a kind of crane, a large wading bird, with a body length of 120-160 cm. The neck and legs are long, and the whole body is mostly white. The top of the head is bright red, the throat and neck are black, the ears to the headrest are white, and the feet are black. When standing, the neck, tail flight feathers and feet are black, the top of the head is red, and the rest are all white.

When flying, only the secondary and tertiary flight feathers, neck and feet are black, and the rest are all white. The characteristics are very obvious and easy to identify. The head and neck of the young bird are brown, and the body feathers are white with maroon trim.

Often in pairs or in family groups and small groups. During the migration season and winter, several or dozens of family groups often form larger groups. Sometimes there are as many as 40-50 animals in the cluster, or even more than 100 animals. However, they are still dispersed into small groups or family groups in a certain area during activities.

They mostly inhabit shoals or reed ponds surrounded by water at night, mainly feeding on fish, shrimps, aquatic insects, molluscs, tadpoles, lugworms, clams, snails, and stems, leaves, and roots of aquatic plants. , bulbs and fruits for food. Distributed in Northeast China, eastern Mongolia, the east bank of the Ussuri River in Russia, North Korea, South Korea and Hokkaido, Japan.