Min is the second word in Chinese, pronounced Min, which means a stone as beautiful as jade. Kangxi Dictionary: Tang Yun, Wujin, gathering rhyme will make you look poor, and Zheng Yun will let you have a blind date. Yin Min. The beauty of stone in Shuowen and Guang Yun is second to none. Rhyme club is like jade. "Book of Rites Jade Algae" A gentleman is expensive in jade and expensive in base.
Mountains and seas pass through Qishan, and its cymbals are white and precious. Another name. Zhao is in the Warring States Policy. The Note is precious, and the beggar Han people are good at Chyi Chin and Zhao. There is also "Ji Yun" with a sad towel and sound. Tong Xun. Biography of Historical Records of Sima Xiangru was written by Lin Kunkun. Liu Bozhuang reads. Is Guang Yun also a writer? .
Data expansion
What are the five elements of Min? They belong to water. The meaning of Min's name: The meaning of Min's name refers to purity, purity and nobility, which means auspiciousness and connotation.
Precious word name taboo:
The five elements belong to water. According to the principle that five elements of water can control fire, the name of Min is taboo to be named after five elements of fire. When naming sensitive words, it is forbidden to use words with the same vowel, ín, or the same tone, otherwise it will be very confusing and difficult to read.
There is also a taboo in naming with the word precious, that is, if someone in your elders already carries the word precious, you should not use the word precious, which is also the most common naming common sense.
What does the word Min mean? Refers to precious stones, which are interpreted as stones as beautiful as jade. What's Min's name? Is it good or not? What's the point? Min is a common word for naming, which means good. The word "people" got its name. What is the first word that uses this word and the second word that uses this word? According to our statistics, the proportion of names containing this word is 66%, and the ratio of male to female is 75:25.
Notes on Duan Yucai's Exegetics in Qing Dynasty
The beauty of stone. Teacher. Precious jade was mined three times. Cut the towel from the voice of the kings. Twelve. According to the voice of the people, these words are divided into twelve parts. Every weak voice has thirteen parts. Confusion is not based on the people. Pay attention to righteousness. Make a fuss. All the sounds are weak. All words are in the form of words. And precious are not the same word. Long time no see.