Avoid using the underscore "_" symbol as much as possible.
It is not convenient to underline with the keyboard, and if you put the underlined email name on the web page, the underline will not be obvious. For example, in Elvis_m@sitedis.com, the underline here overlaps with the underline of the link and cannot be seen.
Try to avoid confusing letters and numbers.
Some letters and numbers are easily confused in appearance, such as the letter O and the number 0, the letters L and I and the number 1, the letter Z and the number 2. Try to avoid using the above letters and numbers when naming the mailbox, which can avoid mistakes to a greater extent.
Choose meaningful words.
Using meaningful words will make the mailbox easier to remember. Meaningful words include: pinyin, English names, nouns, etc. , such as Stephen. Meaningful words can also avoid misunderstandings, for example, the two letters o in the moon are not easily mistaken for two numbers zero.