Olaf will also get a 20/45/70% movement speed bonus when running towards enemy heroes, lasting 1 second. During the duration of the skill, Olaf will lose the resistance bonus of the passive part of the skill and gain attack power (15/20/25+ 30% of his total attack power). Olaf's skill name is his true portrayal. In the process of rushing to the enemy, local tyrants will experience the feeling of dusk, so go and meet death!
Death lotus:
Death Lotus is Carter's R skill. Katrina turned into a sharp-edged hurricane, and quickly threw daggers at the nearest three enemy heroes, each causing 25/37.5/50(+0.22)(+0. 19) magic damage.
Total * * * continues to do magic damage to each enemy hero for 2.5 seconds. Seriously injured all enemy heroes, reducing their healing effect and life recovery by 40%. Carter spins like a lotus when he opens it, blooming in the crowd and bringing death to the enemy!