Have both financial and official beauties, have a wealth seal, and are the officials who save brains. (On the two days of Guisi and Renwu, there are two good signs for wealth and officials. If the heavenly stems penetrate the wealth seal again, the sun is neutral and strong, and the fortune is good, then the position will be the official of a province.)
When Gui and Yin are combined, they will be among the best in the examination. (When the day of Gui is born in Jiayin, it will coincide with the punishment of Yin. It may be the secret of the sages.)
When Rengui is born in the month of Wu, adverse luck will lead to prosperity. (Water generates fire in the moon. If you have a lot of wealth and are weak, and there is no help, then in terms of financial structure, the land of wood and fire in the southeast will be retrograde, and you will be rich. However, in the middle-aged Zihai, water will clash with fire, which may be an exception. .)
Renshui likes wealth officials, but it will be broken when it comes to wealth officials in August. (Ren was born in the You month. According to ancient books, "the pattern of pure gold, white water and clear water" is best to use Jiamu to express beauty. If there is wealth and officials, then the earth will bring muddy water, and Jiamu will be used to subdue the earth to remove the disease. If not, it will be auspicious. If there is wood, fire and earth, and Geng Shen is present, then both metal and water will be clear, which is called "the symbol of abundance")
If the child lifts dry water, there will be no money floating around. (For children born in water, there must be fire to warm the situation in order for hair to grow. Without fire, luck cannot be judged.)
Gui uses Geng gold as the seal star, and Yi Geng coincides with each other, which means that the mother's heart must be evil. (Gengjin is the correct seal of Guishui, representing the mother, Yimu is the positive wealth of Gengjin, and Gengjin is greedy and combined. If it is not clear that it is combined with the heavenly stems, but the earthly branches and Shenmao coincide with each other, it means that the mother's heart is evil.)
Rengui gave birth to Haizi, who lived in Huotu Township and was named Gai Dangchao. (Water is born in the season of winter, and the body is prosperous. He likes to use financial officials, and then performs financial and official luck. He is rich and noble, so it goes.)
Yin water is transported to Kunshan, and the soil is heavy and dry with dew. (Kun: Southwest. Guishui flows in the southwestern direction, which is the luck of gold and fire. The original earth was heavy, so the weight of killing is heavy and the body is light. If wealth is prosperous again, the luck of killing will arise, then the fire and earth will dry up the Guishui and you will die.)
Rengui is in the north, and there is no land to make ditches and streams. (It is said that water is born in winter. If there is no soil to stop the water in the original situation, if it is transported by water again, it will fall into the water and die.)
Rengui has a lot of gold. Born in Youshen, if the soil is strong, it will be expensive, and if the water is strong, it will be expensive. poor. (Rengui is born in the Shenyou month, and the autumn water flows through the source. If there is a lot of gold in the pillar, the body is prosperous, and it can be used as a financial official. The earth is an official, and the owner is noble. If the water movement is carried out, the body is prosperous and there is no support, then you will be poor.)
Guixiang Siguan, the financial officer will seal it, and if it is transported to the south, it will gain fame and fortune. (The day of Guisi is the day of wealth and official. If the original bureau shows the correct seal of Geng gold, then the seal will be born in Si, and the body will be prosperous. Use the position of wealth and official to carry out wealth and wealth in the south.)
The day of Guisi is Hai, Sha Cai revealed that the combination of earth and injured officials means that there is no blessing in labor. (On the two days of Guisi and Guihai, the earthly branch saw Yin wood, and the heavenly stem penetrated Bingdingji. The killing is heavy and the body is light, and the life is damaged, so it goes.) On the day of Gui, at the age of Maohai, the annual killing month is robbed, and he lives alone in the forest. (Guishui was born in the year of Jimao, in the month of Renshen, and in the time of Guihai. The God of Cookery is sitting in Jitu Qisha, and the God of Cookery in Maomu is coincidentally combined with Shenjin. The body is too prosperous, and there are no wealth officials to kill. In addition, the mother's heart is evil, so she is lonely and helpless. The person you rely on.)
The Gui sun will work for you, you will meet again in the dark, and you will get fame and fortune if you don't have an official relationship. (This statement is about killing and not being an official.)
In Renguikan Palace, the branch meets Wuxu, the stems are as close as shoulders, and the east is auspicious. (Rengui was born in the winter month, and its branch has the mid-day and half-combined fire situation, and the heavenly stem is clear and parallel. It is best used to hurt food, let out food, show off, and generate wealth. It travels with the wood and fire luck in the southeast, and it controls wealth.)
Yin water does not exist Roots are valuable in the land of fire, but if there are no roots in Yangshui, people in the land of fire will be feared. (It is said that yin water is easy to follow, but yang water is difficult to follow. Without special water, the five elements are all Yin Sun, which is weak and has no roots, and is easy to follow, and Yang Sun, which is weak and has no roots, is also difficult to follow. The so-called "five yangs follow Qi but do not follow" "Position, the five yins follow the potential without meaning." This is true.)
Gui Si has no roots, fire and earth are seen again, revealing wealth and fame, and exposing the roots will mean you are humble. (On the Guisi day, the fire and earth are strong in the bureau, the body is weak and helpless, and the Heavenly Stem is full of wealth, so it will be a follower killing pattern, and it will lead to wealth. If the fortune is met by gold and water or the original bureau has gold and water to break the pattern and cannot enter the follower pattern, then the killing will be heavy and the body will be light, and the Lord will be wealthy. Poverty and lowliness.)
The Ren day is in Xu, the Gui period is not in the month, and the luck is in the east. (Ren is born in Xu month and Gui is in Wei month. If the killing is heavy and the body is light, use food to control the killing. He likes wood luck and travels in the east wood land, which is noble. If you see Chen Chou clashing with the outline, the earth will be more prosperous and restrained. If the body is exhausted, it is the main evil. )
The rabbit will be born in Guishui and will be well-paid, and the monkey will see disasters. (Rabbit: Mao, Monkey: Shen. It is said that when Gui is born in the Mao month, if the food god is strong and energetic, he will win the wealth officer. But when it comes to Shen, if the owl seal takes away food, there will be disaster.)
Ren and Gui meet When earth is prosperous, metal and wood are prosperous. (This says that killing is more important than the body. You can use Yin Hua to kill or the God of Cookery to control the kill. Both are noble.
The correspondence between Rengui and Wuji is that they are virtuous, talented and intelligent people. (It is said that water is born in the autumn and winter months, and the body is prosperous. It is necessary to have soil to stop the water, so as to prevent it from flowing and flooding. If the water flows unimpeded, the person will be dissolute and wander around the world.) The Rengui Road passes through the southern region, and it is mainly responsible for health and wealth. Can be left to your own devices. (It is said that the sun owner is prosperous and uses money, and the land owner is rich through wealth.)
The day of Gui is also the Chou of Haichou, and he is famous and enters the Imperial Academy. (The day of Gui is born in the two periods of Guichou and Guihai, and it governs noble affairs. It may be the secret of the sages.)
Yin and Gui are often injured when one's own son is injured, and the killing star needs wood to fall; even if fame and fortune rise, Unfortunately, my life is short. (It is said that the seven kills have the noble master, but I don’t understand why the life is not long.)
The water is strong and the uterus of Hai is born. If there is more water, the fire is weak and the middle is heavy; if the fire earth is heavy, the wealth officer is strong. , transported to the northwest every step of the way. (The Moon of Haizi born in water means that the body is strong and the wealth is weak, so it is better to use the wealth officer, the element of fire and earth luck to control wealth and honor. Avoid seeing the land of gold and water in the northwest, if you like it, it will hurt you, and it is the main evil.)
Rengui is born in spring, The best way to see wealth is when the stems and branches are earth, and the wood is very useful. It is better to be injured than food, so avoid heavy gold. Floating gold is harmless and may damage the wood. (When water is born in the spring moon, it will hurt food and show off the beauty. It is better to see fire again, because it will hurt food and bring about wealth, and it will lead to wealth. If there is earth to overcome water, use wood to overcome the earth. It will be controlled by the god of food, and it will lead to wealth. If there is harm to food, it will bring wealth. , if you like it, it will hurt your food, but you should not see gold, and it will take food for the owl seal. If it is only exposed to the heavenly stem, it will be harmless, and the most fearful thing is that the gold of Shenyou will impact the outline and damage the Yongsheng.)
Guisheng. In the first month of the first lunar month, the Yin hour and the punishment are combined, so avoid Geng and Shen Si, Haichou and Chen Xie. If the dryness is equal, both the north and the south will be blessed. Officials will kill the wealth seal, but the north and the south will not be enough. (When Gui is born in the Yin month of Jiayin, the wounded officer is prosperous. It is forbidden to see Shen Si Xing clashing with the wounded officer. If you see Haichou Chen, it is combined with the wounded officer, which is auspicious. The heavenly stems are very permeable to water, which is the image of water and wood, and the movement of fire. If food harms the fortune, it will be auspicious if there is wood in the water movement. It will harm the luck of the official. If the luck of the official will hurt the official, the luck of the seal will also affect the luck of the official. Gold, Geng Shen is not taboo, nobility can be found. At the time of Chensi and Mao, it is not very taboo to have earth and water and metal in the gold bureau. If you enter again, you will be insulted. (When Gui was born in Jiayin of the Mao month, the so-called floating earth and floating gold means that the official seal is powerless. If you see Gengshen, the Shenjin Zhengyin coincides with the Maomu God of Food, and the Lord is noble. Born in the three periods of Yimao, Bingchen, and Dingsi, he is the God of Food at that time. To generate wealth, if the original earthly branch is combined with water or metal, the body will be prosperous and it is good for wealth. If the seal is used again, it will be unfavorable. When there is a calamity, the disaster will be severe. If the water is weak and the disease is strong, it is urgent to seal the ribbon. Food injuries will appear again, and the seedlings will not show up. (Xia Yue is born in water, the body is weak, the fire is dry and the earth is dry, so it can be in the killing position, and the fire and earth are used. If the fortune is met with a calamity, and the earth will counterattack, it will not hurt yourself, but also hurt the brothers. If there is earth and gold, It can be used to kill with gold seal, but it must have Chen Chou wet soil, because dry soil can only brittle gold and cannot produce gold)
Gui is born in Xia Yue, which means wealth is high. Except for the four seasons of Xuhai Zi Chou, The rest of the time is beneficial, but many calamities are not good. The whole yin is auspicious, turning into fire to bring wealth and wealth, and the killing seals are uniform. (In the summer month of Guishui, wealth is prosperous, and the master is rich. It is not suitable to see Xuhaizi's ugly four seasons. These four seasons are very dry, which is unfavorable for robbing wealth stars. A certain amount of Wu earth is transformed into the fire grid, and the fire luck is also carried out. It means wealth and honor. If there is wet soil with gold and a killing seal, it means wealth.)
In the seventh and eighth months of Gui, it is the time of fortune. If you encounter fire in the seventh month, you will be lucky if you travel to the north. Yin Bing rushes to lift, but when he returns to the south, it breaks down. There is a lot of earth in Chen Chou, and the two lines are not filed. (Guishui was born in the Gengshen period of the Shen month. The earthly branch has Zi water, and the two gods of gold and water form an image. However, if there is fire, it will cause illness. If it travels to the water land in the north, it will be a blessing to get rid of the illness. The original bureau has Yin wood and Bing fire that conflict with the outline. If the fire luck is in the south, it will definitely fail. If there is Chen Chou and wet earth, and the dark fire generates metal and regenerates water, it will be saved.)
Gui is born in August, Wuji, Bingding, and has many fire and earth branches, and the north. Make a name for yourself. At the time of Sihai, we formed a line shoulder to shoulder, and the seal met Shenyou, and the north became famous. (Gui was born in the You month, and the stems and branches have many fire and earth, so the wealth officer is prosperous but the body is weak. It goes along the water and land in the north, supporting the body during the calamity, and the Lord is rich and noble. Gui, Si and Gui Hai were born in the You month on two days. The heavenly stems are as numerous as the shoulders, and the earthly branches are Shen You, the two elements of metal and water are prosperous, moving forward to the water and land in the north, and the Lord is noble)
In the ninth month of Gui day, it is better to be more than more, but the day and hour are taboo, and Jia Wu is injured. If there is more soil, there will be wealth. When Shen Geng Xin was born, it was already midnight, so there was no doubt about wealth. If you communicate with Yinshen, even if you gain fame and have repeated opinions, it will be difficult to achieve success. (Gui is born in the month of Xu, which is the official star of Zhengqi. The Earthly Branches of Sun, Hour and Earth are forbidden to see the water of Hai, because there is hidden Jiamu in Hai which hurts the official star of Wutu.
If you are born in the year of Gengshen and Xinyou, the heavenly stems are as clear as the shoulders, and the earthly branches are seen at the end of the twelfth lunar month. Your body will be prosperous, your wealth and officials will be prosperous, and you will have both wealth and honor. )
On the Gui day of the lunar month, when Shen and You meet, it is also appropriate to kill oneself and transport cloth to Bingding. Si Chou and Hai You, day and hour interact, wealth and officials are killed, and wealth is noted early. (Guisheng Ziyue, Jianluge, born in the Gengshen and Xinyou years, must have a financial official. Without wealth, the situation cannot be warmed up, and without officials, killing cannot stop the water. The land of wood, fire and earth moving forward in the southeast, the Lord of wealth.)
The Chou Moon is completely yin, and it will transform when meeting an official. If you see yourself, you will kill it, which will reveal blessings. (Gui gives birth to the ugly month, the earthly branches are all yin, and the sky stem is empty and penetrates the Wu earth, then the Wu will transform from Gui. If it penetrates the Ji earth, the seven killings will follow, and gold must be used to transform the killings, but fire is absolutely indispensable.)
In the winter month of Guiqian, there is no seal in the Yin time, and earth and metal penetrate the tribulation, so it is suitable for southeast movement. At this time, it is Yimao, which is suitable for earth and fire. The pillars are like full yin, and they come from the southeast. Chou has no combination of wealth and fortune. When it comes to Shenyou, the pattern is the killing seal, and wealth will be brought to Chou. If there is no wealth, there is nothing to do with the wealth and earth. The stems, branches, fire and earth will pass by as soon as they occur. (Guishui was born in the Jiayin period of the winter lunar month. There is no Shenjin in the Earthly Branches and it clashes with Yin. There is earth and gold. When it occurs, the Shang Shangguan Tuxiu is revealed, and the Bing Fire is hidden in Lai Yin for longevity and warmth. It travels in the southeast wood and fire luck and brings wealth. If it is the Yimao period, there is no If the fire is hidden, it depends on the movement of fire and earth. The water-warming position will be beautiful, and the movement of wood and fire in the southeast will also occur. If you are born in the Geng Shen Xin You period of the Chou month, it is forbidden to see fire to damage the seal, but the original position cannot be missing. Fire, without fire, there is no way to grow, let alone get rich and noble. If some branches are more than the calamity, but there is no wealth, then even if you are in the land of wealth, you will be robbed by the calamity, and your joy will be in vain. You need to carry out the luck of the fire stem and earth branch. It can be a little smooth, but it will return to poverty after the luck)
Gui lives in the golden bureau, the time is wonderful, spring is not about wood, Bingding relies on it. In the gold bureau of Gui Ri, the time is favorable, the wood, fire and earth are valuable, and the calamity must be eliminated. (The most wonderful combination of Gui, Sun, and Earthly Branches is the time of Bingchen and Dingsi, when the body is strong, and the wealth star is used at that time. Born in the spring moon, there is Bingding fire to generate wealth, and you are not afraid of wood victory. If you are born in the time of Gengshen, your seal will be strong. The bad seal of the fortune star is used, wood is the god of joy, and water transport is the evil.)
Gui day, spring and summer, wealth is abundant and the name is abandoned, Geng Xin Wu Ji, the use is unclear. (This statement is based on the financial pattern, and it is forbidden to see official killing and seal luck.)
At the end of the Gui day, I saw Wu Conghua, but I also thought that Jituo, and the system and changes were all fake. (The Gui day was born in the Jiwei period. Seeing that the Wu soil is completely dry, I originally wanted to be an official, but there are also seven kills that connect the roots. This is an untrue pattern.)
The Gui day is born in autumn, and there are more robbery seals than those in calamity seals. Running in the south, it also develops high technology. If there is a lot of fire and earth, traveling north is unlucky. If there is little fire and earth, the wealth will be unrealistic. (Gui Ri is born in Autumn, and the original zodiac sign is more than a lot, which means the body is prosperous. If the original zodiac has financial links, and then goes retrograde to the fire land in the south, it will lead to wealth. If the body is strong, the wealth and officials are also prosperous, it is better to have wealth and official luck, and it is not suitable to go straight to the water land in the north. . If the financial officer is not prosperous, the degree of wealth will not be great.)
When Qiu Gui meets Bing, he will not mind breaking the seal. Seeing fame and fortune, Yin Jia will not be close. When Zhu meets Yinjia, he is famous but has no position. He prints and cancels the seals, which is unpredictable. (Autumn water flows through the source, the body is prosperous, and the financial officer is used. If you see Yinjia as an injured official, it will be a disaster. If you see it, your position will be in name only, you will be dismissed, investigated, and jailed.)
At the time of Gui Ri Yin, the punishment combines with the injured officer, the support is gold and wood, and the wood transports gold saddle. Wuxu is rich and honorable, avoid the Wu and Geng Shen, Xuwu is heavy in luck, and do not lead to the Jin gentry. (When the day of Gui is born in Jiayin, if the earthly branches are in conjunction with the wood board, they will be slaves, carrying fire luck and wealth. Avoid official killing and seal luck.)
In the ninth month of Guihai, there are many calamities, and the movement Gold and water, fame and fortune are all in vain. When the pillar meets fire and earth, you are afraid of seeing Yin Jia. If you go south, you will not be afraid of water and land. (The day of Guihai was born in the month of Xu. The original period was more than calamities. The body was prosperous, and then the metal and water were transported, which released the energy of the official star. If the body was prosperous and there were no financial officials to rely on, fame and fortune would be in vain. If there is fire earth, it will be a financial official. , avoid seeing injured officials, it is advisable to go retrograde to the fire land in the south, and avoid traveling to the water land in the north)
Those who are born in the Yin and Mao months of Ren and Gui will have good fortune in the afternoon. If revealed by the God of Wealth, if the four pillars originally have sheep's blades, it will bring disaster to the wife, so it is forbidden to apply for You and You. If the four pillars have the original seal, everything will be changed, reformed, and reformed.
Guishui Yin Yuemu hurts officials, and official killings are met with disasters. The luck in the north is not as good as the luck in the south. If you go to Shen Gongshou, you will be injured. (When Gui is born in the Yin month, it is the order for wounded officials. If there is more earth, it will be mixed with officials. If wounded officials see officials, it will bring misfortune. If it goes directly to the fire land in the south, wounded officials will bring wealth, and the Lord will be rich. If it is good luck, Guishui died in Shen, and clashed with Gangyin wood to hurt officials, hindering longevity)
Guishui was born in Mao month, and there was no official, no killing, and happiness and harmony. If you go straight to the south, there are many wealthy people, and you may die early if you go to the west. (Gui is born in the Mao month, which is the order of the God of Cookery. Its usage is similar to that of the Yin month. He likes to go to the fire land in the south to make money, and he will be rich.
Avoid seeing the second luck of Shen and You. )
Guishui, Chen and Moon are happy to bring wealth, and the miscellaneous energy is clear and beautiful. If the rootless body is too weak, the southward movement will lead to disasters. (Gui’s birth month is a miscellaneous Qi wealth official. It depends on what the heavenly stems reveal for use. If he has no roots and is weak and cannot enter the Congqi, and goes straight to the southern land of wealth, he will be weak and unable to win wealth, and there will be many disasters.)
In the month of Guisheng, wealth will be high, and having many officials is not the same as killing. If you have no roots and go retrograde, you will have a lot of money. If you go west, you will see bad luck early. (Gui is born in the Si month, and the Wu earth is different from the Ji earth. The Wu earth is the pattern of fire. If the Gui water has no roots and goes retrograde to the wood earth in the east to generate fire, then wealth will be abundant. If it goes straight to the Indian land in the west, the body will be abnormal, and it will be evil. .)
Guishui is born in the middle of the noon month, and it is clear that the wealth and fortune are the same. If you have no roots, you will not be able to succeed in the land. If you abandon water and lose wealth, you will succeed. (Gui is born in the Wu month, and Ding fire has earth in the middle of the day. It is used for wealth and killing. It depends on the strength of the original sun lord. If the body is strong, it is used for wealth and killing, and when the body is weak, it is used for supporting the body.)
The Guishui River is strong in killing animals before the moon is over, and it is prosperous with a blade but no official and salary. When they are transported to the East, they will be subdued and their names will be listed in the court hall. (When Gui is born and is not in the moon, the Seven Kills are in order. If the earthly branch has the Hai River and there is no Wuxu soil to control the Hai Water, and the Hai is not closed, it will be a sheep-blade combined kill. The master is noble. Traveling to the eastern woodland, subduing the Seven Kills, you will be able to do it. Holding a high position.)
Guishui was born in Shenqiu, and wealth will not prevent you from being soft. It is especially good to have northward movement. If you don't have money, it will be bad. (Gui is born in Shen Yue, although it is the death place of the Sun, but the autumn water will flow from the source and prosper after all. If there is a lot of wealth in the original situation, it is better to go along the northern water land to help the wealthy person get rich.)
Guishui Youyue Seal The pattern is true only when there is life and death. Note that retrograde means strong luck, fame, wealth and excellence. (Gui is born in the You month, as if the branch sees the earth, it is the killing seal, and it is the opposite direction of the fire land in the south. Wealth produces killing, the killing seal, and the seal are born in the body, and both wealth and honor are achieved.)
The Xu month of Guishui is in decline. During the period, it is clear that miscellaneous energy should be used as a financial official. When wood fire is running, you will get more wealth, and when it is retrograde, you will have longevity in the early years. (Gui is born in the month of Xu, which is also a miscellaneous energy and wealth official. It depends on what the heavenly stems reveal for use. If the wood and fire luck are followed, it will harm food and generate wealth. If the body is strong and can be used for wealth, the owner will be rich. If the luck is reversed, the Gui water will die. , Goodbye, there is a critical point in life.)
When Gui is born in the middle of the month of Hai, the wounded official, water and wood are always the same. The best fortune is in the south if it goes retrograde. If you go forward, be aware of the bad luck in Mao. (Gui is born in the month of Hai, the sky is dry and the wood is dry, and it is water and wood that hurts the official character. It goes retrograde to the fire land in the south, and it is rich. I don’t understand why the character Mao is bad. I don’t quite understand.)
Guishui is born in winter. Mention, it is most surprising to see the financial officer again. If you go forward, you like the south-east luck, but if you go backward, the west will also block it. (Gui is born in Ziyue, Jianlu Ge, and likes to use wealth and officials. If it goes forward in the land of wood and fire in the southeast, it rules wealth. If it goes retrograde in the land of gold in the west, the body will be prosperous but there will be no wealth and officials, and it will be extremely poor.)
Guishui Chou The moon is miscellaneous, and there is no need to push if you have no wealth or seal. Wood and fire moving forward are both wonderful, but longevity is uneven when moving retrograde to the northwest. (Gui is born in the ugly moon, which is also a miscellaneous wealth official. It depends on what the heavenly stems reveal for use. Water is born in the winter moon, so there must be wealth. If there is no wealth, there will be no way to grow. If the original wealth is different, go straight to the southeast wood fire place, The Lord is rich. Retrograde to the land of gold and water in the northwest, the metal is cold and the water is cold, and the fate of death is premature)