Qu Yuan left a poem about Kirin in the famous Songs of the South. Such as fate: Kirin rushed to Jiugao Xi, and bears fled in groups. Another example is to cherish the oath: if Kirin can be bound, why is it different from dogs and sheep? It means that even if you get Kirin, if you lock it up, it is no different from getting dogs and sheep. It means to respect and reuse talents.
Cao Zhi's exposition in The History of the Three Kingdoms: The scales respect dragons, and the beasts live in Kirin. The sea is the world of dragons, and Kirin is the ancestor of all animals.
There is a poem in Han's Notes on Poetry: Angels are near the North Star, riding horses, some on diaphragms, and some on Kirin. There are nine more: the famous unicorn picture, the bones are dying. The other two are on the road: their embroidered silk robes shine in the spring sun, and there are a group of golden peacocks and silver unicorns. We can know that the ancients used Kirin as a pattern to make clothes, and the clothing of a military commander in the Qing Dynasty was Kirin pattern.
Li Hema's poem: Mane gives the imperial secretary a silver spear to stab the unicorn. Even the design of the saddle is embroidered with Kirin.
The last three sentences of Qin in the Southern Song Dynasty: "Kirin Pavilion, why not revive the figures and not draw Confucian crowns?" It's not that excellent people can't get into Qilin Pavilion.