A lineage of the Mi family: "The rule of the court is prosperous, the country is prosperous, the monarchs and ministers are great, the dynasties are learning, culture, and Yongjia are prosperous in morality."
The Mi family in Jiangxi has a name: "Great wealth invigorates the family's reputation".
A branch of the Mi family in Yunnan: "Qingxiu Hongxu Ke Chongzu's meritorious family has a long-lasting reputation."
A descendant of the Mi family in Jiangsu: "The country is big and full of ambitions, and it will be a good place to learn jade. It will be home for thousands of years, and the Changze will be prosperous and prosperous. Everything will be prosperous and virtuous, and the law will flourish in the three springs. Literary talents will build industries, and rituals and music will be prosperous." "Determined to be brilliant."
A descendant of the Mi family in Pingxiang, Jiangxi: "Xue's family has a long history and a long history of benevolence and wisdom."