Ma Xiao's name should be "Fu" and "Jin". He is knowledgeable, respected and happy all his life. The words "jade", "wood" and "grain" are clever and talented only when they are bright; The words "worm", "bean" and "rice" have both fame and fortune; The words "Qi" and "Yue" are handsome, intelligent, brave, elegant and respectful; The word "earth" has a clear meaning, and Wen Guan Shu can contribute to the credit of heavy righteousness; The words "heaven", "fire" and "residence" are worrying or just; The words "car", "stone", "energy", "unitary" and "horse" are beneficial to family marriage, or to health. For rats, rabbits and cows, we should pay attention to the smooth sailing of Xiao Hu and Xiao Yang.