Summary of attack types of cats and hounds after the rise of monster hunters

In the rise of monster hunters, both follower cats and follower hounds can choose attack types, and different attack types will lead to different attack tendencies. Let's take a look at the summary of the attack types of follower cats and hounds in the rise of monster hunters.

Summary of attack types of cats and hounds after the rise of monster hunters

Cat type:

Focus on small

Cats following elroy only target small monsters.

Small priority

Cats following elroy will give priority to small monsters.


Cats following Elu will target all monsters equally.

Big priority

Cats following elroy will give priority to big monsters.

Focus on large-scale

Cats following elroy only target big monsters.

Dog tactics:


The basic hunting methods of tooth-chasing hounds. Attack monsters near it.

Travel with sb.

The hounds attacked the monster from near the hunter.

Double attack

The hounds and hunters attacked the monster together.

The hounds attacked the monster from near the hunter.