What are the outstanding women's rock bands in history? Or a female rocker.

The band has

Ali & ampAJ, also known as 78violet? American pop rock group yearbite seven-year Bichi American punk band

Seven years bitch seven years beach American punk band

Afrirampo Japanese noise rock band

Ace Cup King American Folk Rock Band

American punk band bear on fire

Cherry Boom Cherry Boom Taiwan Province alternative rock Band

Cobra Cobra China's first female rock band.

Conquer the split women's hardcore band

Cyntia Japanese heavy metal band

No dick, no rooster, American junk rock band

Southern Chicks American Country Band

British rock band

Girl Monstar Girl Beast Star Australian indie rock band

Isis American style rock band

M2M Norwegian pop rock band

Twelve 12 girls band 12 Women's Band

Actress: tina turner? Rita Forte et al.