The following are the names that heroes use more often when chatting in the game.
Probis - Detective, Detective
Samuro - Juggernaut, js
Gazlowi - Goblin, plus boss
Natsubo——Witch Doctor, 51, "Come~"
Leoric——Skeleton King
Kerrigan——Kay Queen
Phoenix - Airplane, Feiji, Dragon Rider
Lili - Lili, Big Devil Xiao
Gianna - Ji Biao, Bing Fa, Jaina
Zul'jin——Zul'jin, troll
Auriel——angel, Auriel
Ben Bo'er Ba—— —Little murloc, murloc
Kel’Thuzad — Mr. Ke, the lich
Masayil — Little Mac
Zul — —Zul
Kasia—Kasia, Valkyrie
Sergeant Hammer—Tank
Valar - Valar, "unit of measurement"
Ragnaros - screw, Ross
Thall - Thrall
Anna ——Anna, chicken mother
Nova—Nova, nova
Dehaka—Haka, Dehaka
Butcher—butcher , fresh meat
Falstad - bird, birdman
Atanis - archbishop, bishop, pig's foot (etc. all zhujiao spellings)
Johanna - Johanna, Crusader
Anub'arak - Xiao Qiang
Wing of Light - Elf Dragon
Varian - —Wang Wang, Chopstick Smile, and the Father of Watch
Sanya—Sanya, barbarian, barbarian
Zagara—Insect Mother, Zagara
Stitches--stitches, stitches, abominations
Valeera--Valera, thieves
Sylvanas--Siva, Queen Si (for To avoid confusion with Kerrigan, add "Xi" in front, but generally the queen refers to Sylvanas)
Rexxar - Rexxar, the beast tamer?
Alsace——2234, Two Idiots, Lich King
Uther——542, Old Rogue, Holy Light Old Rogue
Lucy O——dj
Muradin——Hill, mk, dwarf
Decard Cain——Old Man, Cain
Elite Tauren Chief - Old Ox, Tauren, Tauren, ntr
Kael'thas - Kaizi, Fire Mage
Lieutenant Moralis - Doctor
Tyriel——Tyriel, Archangel, Taiduanyu
Alexstrasza——Red Dragon, Flesh Bianqi I didn’t say anything
Reno—— Lei Weak, Lei Qiang, Lei Qiang, Lei Ritian (all version errors)
Azmodan——Azi, Devil Egg, Self Touch
Regar—— Old dog, old milk
Lulana - little deer
Gul'dan - Erdan
Chromie - Chromie, dwarf , Bronze Dragon
Zeratul - Hidden Blade
Zarya - Mao Mei, the world needs more muscles
Illidan - An egg, egg total, egg egg
Diablo——pineapple, big pineapple——dva, brother baby
Gal Rush——Little Roar, Brainless Roar
Tychus——Fuck a Man
Greymane——Werewolf, Wolf King
Blaize—— Fire Bat, Fire Soldier
Aranak - Nut, Gao Nut, Gao Jianguo, Lord Bige
Stukov - Maozi
Genji - —Source, Primal
Hanzo — Hanzo (along with Gen, also known as Shimada Erfool)
Tracer — Tracer, Skyray, Flash (along with Primordial and Lucio Called a fly)
Maev - Maiev, Watcher
The Lost Vikings - tfboys
Malfurion - Malfa, Drew
Li Min - Li Min
Junkrat - Junkrat
Tylande - Tyrande, Luna Railgun
Chen - Panda
Abathur - 284
Medivh - Medivh
Tassadar - Tassadar, Tassa Da
Look at the order of the winning rate of all heroes, otherwise I really can’t remember who is there=-=
It’s just a hand game, I didn’t copy anything==