Python names file names with variables.

The connection suffix output = open (str 1+ ". Txt ",'w ')// with a+connector, which is enclosed in quotation marks to indicate a string constant, but cannot be enclosed in quotation marks to indicate a variable//.Running under windows, there cannot be special characters in the variable STR 1 that cannot appear in the file name.

In.close () If you just want to know how to connect string, file_a? =? {date}.

{ext}”。 Format (date =f,? ext="txt")file_b? =? "{date}. {ext}”。 Format (date =f,? ext="jpg ").

Extended data:

When Python executes. The py file will be compiled into Python bytecodes, and then the Python Virtual Machine will execute these compiled bytecodes. The basic idea of this mechanism is related to Java and. Net.

The advanced here is not advanced in the usual sense, not to say that Python's virtual machine is better than Java or. NET, but Python's virtual machine is better than Java or. Net.

In addition, Python can also run in interactive mode. For example, Unix/Linux, Mac, Windows and other mainstream operating systems can run Python interactive environment directly in command mode. Interactive operation can be realized by issuing operation instructions directly.

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