The meaning of the name "珵" is: beautiful jade. It means high moral character and a bright future.
珵pinyin chéng, four corners 16114, structure left and right, unified code 73F5
Simplified radical Wang part, 7 strokes outside the part, 11 strokes in total
Traditional Chinese radicals are jade, Wubi GKGG, Cangjie MGRHG, Zhengma CJC
1. Beautiful jade.
2. Pendant jade.
3. The phonetic form of the word Congyu, Congcheng, Cheng also sounds. "Cheng" means "Cheng" province, which means "transporting imperial grain to the royal capital". Extended information
Evolution of Chinese characters:
Related words: none
Similar form: Cheng
Cheng pinyin chéng
1. Rules, procedures: procedures.
2. Progress, limit: degree.
3. The passage of the road: the distance.
4. Measure and assess: Calculate daily performance.
5. Surname.