Basic information about Dong Dong

Name: Dong Ziyu (Dong Dong)

Gender: Female

Birthday: April 18

Birthplace: Dingyuan, Anhui

Blood type: Type B

Constellation: Aries

Height: 166CM

Weight: 48kg

Education: Currently studying for a master's degree (Department of Music, People's Liberation Army Academy of Arts)

Language: Chinese, English

Occupation: Soloist in the Art Troupe of the Political Department of the Second Artillery Force of the People's Liberation Army

Favorite music : Notre Dame de Paris (musical), Carmen (opera)

Favorite singers: Teresa Teng, Mariah Carey

Favorite things: dancing, reading, listening to music

Favorite color: white and pink

Favorite fruit: watermelon, durian

Favorite food: Thai food, spicy hot pot

Favorite accessories: necklaces, earrings

Favorite flowers: lilies, roses

Favorite places to go: The beach,

Motto: Today's things are done today
