Predefined variables, also called superglobal variables, include: (Recommended learning: PHP video tutorial)
$_GET 、$_POST 、$_SERVER 、$_REQUEST 、$GLOBALS 、$_COOKIE 、$_SESSION 、$_ENV 、$_FILES 、$php_errormsg 、$HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA 、$http_response_header 、$argc 、$argv
The scope of a predefined variable is called "super global scope": the sum of global scope and local scope (both inside and outside the function).
Superglobal variables are all arrays!
For example, $_GET variable (array):
The word get often appears here:
This is called "the form submits data by obtaining"
Then $_GET, a predefined array variable, refers to the collection (array) of all data submitted in this way.
Accordingly, data can also be submitted by mail.
Note: the word get seems to have no Chinese translation.
In fact, in a web page, there are many forms that submit data through get:
Form 1:
& ltform action = " ABC . PHP " method = " get " & gt;
Project 1:
Item 2:
& ltinput type = " submit " value = " submit "/& gt;
& lt/form & gt; Its function is: after the user fills in the form data and submits it, the data will be sent (submitted) to the page ABC. PHP, which can actually be understood as an "open" page (abc.php) or a "request" page (abc.php).
Table 2:
& lta href="abc.php? uName = test 1 & amp; UPswd= 123 "> text. . & lt/a & gt; Its function is: After clicking the link, the user will send (submit) data to the abc.php page. In fact, it can also be understood as an "open" page (ABC. PHP) and a "request" page (abc.php). This request is also a get request.
Form 3:
& lt script & gt
location.href = "abc.php? uName = test 1 & amp; up swd = 123 "; //Use the property href of the location object.
& lt/script & gt; Its function is to send (submit) data to the page ABC. PHP when executing this statement (usually in a function), which can actually be understood as "opening" the page (abc.php) or "requesting" the page (abc.php), and this request is also a get request.
Table 4:
& lt script & gt
location.assign( "abc.php? uName = test 1 & amp; up swd = 123 "); //Use the assign () method of the location object.
& lt/script & gt; Its function is to send (submit) data to the page ABC. PHP when executing this statement (usually in a function), which can actually be understood as "opening" the page (abc.php) or "requesting" the page (abc.php), and this request is also a get request.