1. When will Teddy Phil be finalized?
There will be some differences in the time for each Teddy dog to stand up, but it will usually be about 7 to 8 months after the embarrassing period, that is, after the body has stood up for a long time. If Teddy is a flying ear when he is very young, there is a great chance that he will be a flying ear when he grows up, but don't be too impatient during this period. There needs to be a process. If dogs used to belong to ears, they may become flying ears in the future.
Second, how to make Teddy fly?
If you want Teddy to have flying ears, you can massage him before his bones are fully developed, that is, press his ears to the front position to achieve the auxiliary effect, but it is not necessarily flying ears at the back. In addition, calcium can be supplemented, which can supplement enough nutrition. Some people end up paying for corrective surgery to make Teddy's ears fly. In fact, this kind of operation not only costs money but also makes him feel very painful. Therefore, it is best to let his ears form naturally at a very young age, especially when supplementing nutrition.
When Teddy has long flying ears, the hair on them should be well taken care of. Brush every day and trim regularly to avoid confusion. In addition, we should do a good job in ear care and clean it regularly to avoid otitis media in the later stage.