This is because Mi is his surname, derived from his maternal line, and Qu is his surname, which is also derived from his paternal line. In ancient times, people usually followed their father's side, so they were called Qu Yuan.
Qu Yuan lived at the end of the Warring States Period. His real name was Qu Ping, and his courtesy name was Yuan, so he was called Qu Yuan. Qu Yuan also gave himself another name called Zhengze, and his courtesy name was Lingjun. He is now a native of Hubei. He was a minister and a poet. He created the "Chu Ci" style we learn in Chinese. He also created the tradition of "Vanilla Beauty". Qu Yuan was a famous poet and politician in the Chu State during the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period. Qu Yuan's literary success was unparalleled, but his political ambitions failed to materialize. Because he was relatively upright and not afraid of power, he was ostracized by the nobles.
Although Qu Yuan's life was only a few decades, he experienced three periods, namely, King Wei of Chu, King Huai, and King Qingxiang. He actually assisted King Wei of Chu. At that time, it was the early stage of China's unification. As a senior executive, he participated in various tasks such as legislation and management. With his assistance, Chu State developed in a stronger direction. This kind of Qu Yuan was so outstanding, but he was also upright and upright, so he easily aroused the jealousy of others. As a result, conflicts and estrangements arose between Qu Yuan and other ministers, and he was maliciously framed and deliberately alienated by them. With their numbers and strength, they began to slander Qu Yuan in front of the King of Chu. Even framed him. Gradually, the King of Chu alienated Qu Yuan.
Qu Yuan is still in exile. When he heard that the Qin army had captured the capital and that King Chu Huai had died in his hometown, he felt desperate and sighed. I deeply feel that Chu will be destroyed and my ambitions cannot be realized. He felt that the once prosperous country, which he had been guarding with difficulty, had no hope of revival. He wanted to stay away from the country he loved, but he still couldn't bear it. So he returned to the land he loved and lived out his life.