On the twelfth day, Juezong prepared his horses and brought lunch, waiting for He Jun to go to Qingbi River with him. After leaving the temple, I immediately walked south for three miles, passed the small paper house, and then went south past the big paper house. To the east of the village is the west gate of Fucheng, and at the foot of the mountain to the west of the village is the martial arts arena. Another mile and a half south, passing Shima Spring. There is a pool of spring water between the slopes, and the water overflows from here. Feng Yuancheng believes that the clearness of the spring water is no worse than the spring water of Huishan. It was built into a square pool with abandoned foundations on it, all of which are the remains of Feng Yuancheng. The annals said: "A stone horse was seen in the spring under the setting sun, so it was named like this." Half a mile to the south is a pagoda temple with Zhuge Temple and an academy in front of the temple. Then go south and pass the two peaks of Zhonghe and Yuju. After walking six miles, we crossed a stream with a large water volume. And to the south, there are mountain peaks surrounding it and descending to the east. After walking another two miles, we walked around the south side of the hill below the peak, then looked for a path to the west and entered the canyon. Looking west from the gorge, many peaks cover each other. The tallest peak is located behind the canyon. It has traces of snow and hangs high alone, like a piece of white silk cutting off the green mountains. There is a stream flowing eastward from the canyon. This is It is the lower reaches of Qingbi River. Climbing up the hill to the west from the north of the stream, after walking for two miles, there is a tomb on the hill on the left, which is Ruan Shangbin's tomb. Walk westward for two miles from the cemetery and climb the steep mountain cliff. This cliff rises high above the stream. It stands side by side with the cliff opposite and looks like a door leaf. The top is high and the bottom is steep. The stream breaks through it and flows out. From here, the stream runs deep below, and the cliffs stand overhead, all narrow and sloping, deep and obscure. The road went west along the top of the cliff, close to the northern peak. For more than a mile, the horse could not go any further, so he had to order the people accompanying him to guard the horse by the stream, and Gu Pu also stopped here. He Chao'a and his son, together with two monks, went deep down the stream. I waded to the north and south banks of the stream many times and walked for a mile. There were huge rocks squatting beside the mountain stream. The dangerous rocks on the cliffs on both sides were all piled up steeply like a path. Looking to the west, the door leaves inside are both towering and split in the middle, just like a line. The drooping snow on the mountain behind is right in the middle, covering each other and layered on top of each other, like a banner hanging on the wall hanging in the center. It is particularly elegant and strange. . Juezong always took off his bamboo basket and poured wine, and he persuaded him to drink three times. Walking half a mile westward, the stream rushes into the gorge and flows among the rocks. The colors of the rocks are smooth and delicate, the patterns are brilliant, and they are quite full of the mood of smoke and clouds. From here, we walked around the cliff for more than a mile. The peak on the north side opened slightly and we found a high, raised flat land. Another half mile to the west, walking down from the flatland to the west, we met the mountain stream again. Follow the stream to the west for half a mile, and approach directly under the standing stone gates. You can see water pouring down from the stone cliffs protruding from the stone gates. The stone cliffs are more than ten feet high, and below is a clear deep pool. The water pool is more than two feet wide, and the waves are shining brightly, so you don't feel the depth of the water. The groove on the protruding stone cliff is washed by the rapid water flow. Although the height is only more than ten feet, it is too slippery and smooth to stand on. At that time, I was just playing in the water and didn't realize it. I saw two monks had climbed over to the stone cliff above. The He family and his son wanted to climb up from the north side of the mountain stream. I was alone looking for a way on the water pool, but I couldn't find it. So he walked up the groove on the peak, fighting with the water. He slipped on a stone and was washed down with the water. He poured into a deep pool. The water reached his neck. He jumped out of the water in a hurry and sat on the rock to wring the clothes off. water. Climbing the cliff to the north, I climbed to the top of it and looked down at the ditch where I slipped and fell. Although it was only a little over a foot high, the ditch and water channel above it was winding and twisting, as if cut out by a knife, and it was especially smooth and smooth; When you get to the first floor, there is no place to step on in the upper and lower parts. Then climb over the cliff to the west and look down. There is a pool in the cliff, each more than two feet long and wide. The water is pure green, with rippling waves, and jasper floating in it, shining in the cliff and canyon. The bright sun at noon shines on the water, making it golden. The lights alternate, the waves surge, and the scenery is bizarre and bizarre as never before. The stone walls on three sides of the pool form a nest. The stone walls of the stone gate on the north and south sides tower into the sky. Behind them are the rocks at the bottom of the gorge, which are also two or three feet high. Like a half-cut urn, there is no gap in the water leaking into the pool. On the protruding cliffs, such as where the eaves cover the pool, there are no water droplets falling from the stone cliffs; however, the water flows from the pool. It always overflows to the east and pours roaringly into the grooved waterway, like a dragon breaking through the canyon. I leaned down from the top of the cliff to see this scene, and hurriedly climbed down the cliff and sat on the rock beside the pool. Not only did the shadow of the mountain make my mind get rid of all distracting thoughts, but I also felt that every hair and every pore was crystal clear.
I quickly took off my wet clothes and dried them on the stone. I washed my feet in the running water and basked my back in the sun. It was cold enough to wash away my worries, and warm enough to feel like I was holding a silk quilt in my arms. He Jun and his son also tried their best to climb the dangerous route and arrived, shouting at each other. After a long time, the sun was shining westward on the cliff, and my clothes were gradually drying up. So I put on my clothes and climbed to the top of the cliff. From there, I approached the stone gate in the gorge to the west, which is on the cliff surrounding the pool to the left. There is a flat stone cliff on the north side of it, which can be used as a pavilion to rest. There is a hand-shaped place in front of it, which is flat and built like a high platform. You can look down at the clear blue water pool, but the terrain is dangerous and narrow. Can't see the whole picture. Going forward soon, I want to visit the two pools in Shimen and climb the snow-covered peaks. He Jun and his group could not follow me, nor could they stop me. They just said: "We will go out and wait at the resting place of the horses." So I turned around the middle of the cliff to the north and walked straight up to the west. After walking for a mile, we met the road coming from the east, which came from the high and raised flat land. We followed this road to the west in a zigzag climb, which was very steep. For more than a mile, across the top of the northern side of the stone gate in the gorge, and then parallel to the west for half a mile, the stone walls of the cliffs on both sides of this area stand side by side and rise high. Between the upper reaches of the mountain stream in the stone gate, the bottom is still deeply embedded. On the cliff to the north of the road, the steep stone wall has no cracks and cannot be crossed to the front, so stone strips are used to lift it along the cliff. The horizontal frame is a plank road, which is four or five feet long. It is called Yangqiao, also known as Xianqiao. . Under the bridge, there is the second pool inside the stone gate where water accumulates. It is hidden by rocks and cannot be seen in time. Crossing to the north of the bridge, there are stacked stone steps attached to the stone wall. Walking slightly north, the stacked stone steps are broken again on the north side, so we take advantage of the steps made of stacked rocks to go south and fall to the bottom of the stream. There is a small stream at the bottom of the stream, flowing like a snake between the rocks. It is the water flowing from the first pool in the west to the second pool. At this time, I had missed the second pool but didn't know it. I just looked at the stream and walked west. The cliffs on both sides were side by side and facing each other like door leaves. Under the door, there were two huge rocks facing each other. There was a flat rock covering it like a house. , but blocking the back, there is water under the covered stone house. It is also a deep clear water pool, but it is not half as big as the outside pool. On the blocked stone wall behind it, water hangs down from the mountain stream above. The sound of water gurgling is endless, and then flows eastward between the rocks in front into a second deep pool. I was eager to climb to the west, so I walked over the rocks in the mountain stream. There is no fine flow of water in the stream from here, but after the stones have been washed and washed, they are not only free from mud, but also more slippery and smooth. Smaller ones step on it, larger ones climb over it, and bigger ones turn around. Climb through the intersection. Looking at the cliffs on both sides from the top, the dangerous cliffs stand straight and intertwined, making it even more majestic. After climbing slowly for two miles, the rocks in the stream were so tall and domed that they were too smooth to climb up, so we had to climb from the northern cliff to the mountain cave. There is a path at the foot of the cliff, which is covered by thick bamboo bushes. You must separate from the bamboo bushes and go forward. After walking another two miles, I heard someone's voice at the foot of the cliff. It was a firewood collector picking up dead branches. After tying them up, he was about to return. When he saw me, he said that there was no way ahead and he could no longer cross over. I didn't believe it, so I pushed aside the clumps of bamboo and climbed westward from the steep slope. The shape of the bamboo here gradually grew larger and thicker, and the road was cut off without a trace. I pushed aside the bamboo bushes carelessly, took off my turban, took off my clothes, grabbed the bamboo as a rope, and walked through for more than a mile. The mountain stream at the bottom of the valley below turns to the north, and is separated from the snow-covered and sagging peak behind by two levels, making it impossible to climb directly. I heard that there is a road in Qingbi Stream that leads to Yangbi across Houling. Should I still walk through the rocks through the mountain stream? It was already afternoon, and I was hungry, so I hurried down the mountain. I saw the woodcutter carrying firewood on his back, still crawling in the mountain cave. So we returned five miles from the original path, passed the first deep pool, walked forward along the water, and looked at the second pool. This pool is just inside the stone gate that stands between them. On the stone cliff on the left is the Yangqiao high above it. So from the left side of the pool, climb the stone slab in the crack of the stone, climb up to the Yangqiao, cross the East Ridge and walk down. After walking for four miles, I arrived at the high and raised flat land. I saw that there was no trace of anyone beside the water pool in the west stream. I quickly walked eastward and followed the stream out. After walking three miles, I came to the place where the horses rested. He Jun and his gang had already left, leaving Gu Pu alone to guard the meal, so he ate and headed east out of the mountain. After walking for three and a half miles, we passed Ruan Shangbin's tomb, crossed the Jianshui River on the right side of the tomb, and went up the ridge from the south of the Jian River to the east. The road should go south over tall mountains, which is a shortcut to Gantong Temple; I crossed its remaining veins eastward and walked three miles, down to the middle of the eastern foothills.
The herdsman pointed out that the way to Gantong Temple must go southwest over a tall ridge to reach it, so he turned southwest and walked up the cliff, but there was no way to go. After walking two miles, we climbed to the top of the mountain and headed west along the south side of the mountain. After walking for three miles, we descended a little, crossed a canyon, and turned south. There were densely covered pines and cypresses, and Buddhist temples were scattered high and low. This is Danshan Mountain, and Gantong Temple is in the mountain. Three Pagoda Temple and Gantong Temple each have thirty-six rooms for monks, and those of Three Pagoda Temple are arranged on both sides, all with the mountain gate in front of the temple as the entrance and exit; Gantong Temple follows the mountain and is surrounded by woods, each of which is divided into one. There is no mountain gate to control the courtyard, and the main hall is as high as the monks' rooms everywhere. The abbot of the main hall has a Dayun Hall, and the monks all call him "Dayun Hall". At this time, I didn’t know where He Jun and his gang lived, so I went from house to house and asked. One of the houses was named Banshan, which was the former address of Yang Sheng'an's Shaoyun Building. When I first heard that He Jun planned to live here, he passed by the door and was setting up an altar in front of the door to chant sutras and do things. He knew that he would not be there, so he left without asking. Someone caught up with him and asked him to return to their room. I told him that I wanted to find the person who was traveling with me, and the person said, "I know where they live, and I must treat them to a fast meal before leaving." Looking at his appearance, I seemed to have met him once before, but I forgot where he was. After looking at him carefully, I found out that he was Wang Gengyu, the son of Marquis Wei and a student of Dali Mansion School. He had met Zen Master Benzhou in Dajue Temple before. Today is the memorial day for his grandmother's death, so he came here with his father to offer sacrifices and perform rituals. When they saw me passing by, both father and son recognized me and asked me to stay for a meal. During the meal, He Jun also ordered the monks to come and greet him. It got dark after the meal, so the monk who came to summon him passed by the front of Dayun Hall and walked northward and upward, found the quiet room where He Jun lived, and sat down with him on the floor to drink. The moonlight at night was not as bright as the day before. On the 13th, I went with He Jun to another monk's room for a fasting banquet, so I visited various temples. Rhododendrons are in full bloom on the mountains during this season, and the temples are bright and colorful everywhere. Outside the central courtyard, tall pines and slender green bamboos are interspersed with tea trees. The tea trees are three to four feet high, very similar to the osmanthus tree. They are picking at this time, and there are people climbing up the trees with ladders everywhere. The taste of tea is very beautiful. After frying and then drying, the color will inevitably become dark. Soon after entering the main hall, the mountain gate is also very grand and spacious. There is a stone pavilion in front of the hall. In the pavilion are eighteen poems about returning to Yunnan given to the monk Wuji by Emperor Gao, the great ancestor of our dynasty. There are postscripts written by Emperor Gao before and after. This monk came to the court from Yunnan and paid tribute with a white horse and tea trees. Emperor Gao went to the porch to receive him. The white horse immediately neighed and the camellias bloomed, so he was favored. Later, when he returned to his hometown from the Yangtze River, the emperor personally scattered flowers and wrote a poem for him at each place along the river. He also ordered all the ministers of the Hanlin Academy to write poems for him to send him back. Today, the emperor's handwritten article no longer exists, but the poem stele is still engraved at that time. Li Zhongxi's "Dali County Chronicle" believed that the emperor's poems could not be compiled together with the documents, so he did not include them. However, his literature category also includes articles written by the emperor. Why can't poetry be included together? The main hall faces east, and Dayun Hall is to its north. The monk made me tea and served me a vegetarian meal. Afterwards, head west from the back of the temple to the ridge to find Boluo Rock. There are two hiking trails behind the temple: one extends all the way to the northwest, going up from the south peak of Qingbi Stream. After fifteen miles, it reaches Xiaofoguang Village. It is suspected that the snow tracks seen in Qingbi Stream yesterday are hanging in the middle. Close to it is the east peak of the so-called Bijia Mountain in the back mountain; a canyon branches off to the southwest, traces the 19th mountain stream south of the temple, and goes north for six miles to Boluo Rock. In the past, there was a Zhao Boluo who lived here at Boluo Rock. He worshiped Buddha day and night and left two footprints on the square rock. Therefore, later generations named it Boluo Rock. The word Polo is the name given to monks with families in this place. The rock is now moved to the main hall as a stone platform for kneeling and worshiping. At this time, Mr. He Qiaozi and I were riding forward. There are no trees after leaving the temple, and the mountains here are bare. After walking for a mile, we took the fork in the road and climbed to the southwest. After walking for another four miles, we crossed the ridge and headed west. The mountains here also formed a gate between the mountains to the south and the mountains on the opposite side. The water flow at the bottom of the stream is very thin and cannot keep up with the Qingbi River, but the canyon inside is slightly wider and extends westward along the Beishan Mountain. After walking another mile, there are rocks forming caves on the north mountain, and there is a deep ravine on the south side. To the southwest of the valley, the mountains are surrounded forward, reaching into the sky like a screen, and there are toothed peaks arranged on the mountains. Counting from a distance, there are also nineteen peaks. This is another specific and subtle part of Cangshan Mountain. To the west of the cave, a monk built three houses. The stacked rocks in front of the courtyard are bright and clean, and a pit of water is stored under the rocks, which also makes people feel meditative.
The monk made tea and made flour into cakes for the guests to eat. It was a long time before we said goodbye. Returning to Liuli from the original road, we passed Dayun Hall. At this time, Juezong was waiting at Banshan, so he went in again to visit Shuiyun Tower. The building is no longer the original building. Today there is a building on the mountain gate, and some of its remains can be preserved. I asked about the ink stains and two plaques left by Yang Sheng'an. The monks in the temple were afraid of damage and peeling off, so they kept them and refused to uncover them. The monk prepared another fasting meal, barely swallowed a bowl and said goodbye. There is a dragon girl tree in front of the building. The tree branches from the root and sprouts three or four large branches, each three or four feet high, with leaves two and a half inches long. The width is half of the length, and it is green and shiny. The flower is white, smaller than the magnolia. It is also a plant like magnolia but has a different name. At this time, the flowers had withered, leaving only a few on the treetops, but they were too high to be broken, so I just broke off the empty branches on the tree and left. From here, go downhill to the east for five miles and walk eastward onto the main road. There are two small towers standing between the roads. The main road you take is the road from Longweiguan to Fucheng. There is a small village called Shangmu to the south of the pagoda, which is still ten miles away from Fucheng. So we walked north along the avenue, passed the Qili Bridge and the Wuli Bridge, and then entered the south gate of Dali Fucheng. Walking north through the main street, passing the Drum Tower, I met Lu Mengxiong's envoy and learned that Lu Mengxiong was not coming, but his son had arrived. Because it was too late to go. So he walked out of the north gate, crossed to the north of the suspension bridge, turned northwest and walked two miles, and entered the Dakong Mountain House to stay. On the 14th, I visited the stonemason’s house in the south of the temple to view stones. He Jun and I each bought a small square for one hundred pennies. What Jun He selected has the beauty of the mountains dotted on it; I chose the one that is clear and easy to distinguish between black and white. So I traveled around the temple with He Jun. This temple is located under the tenth mountain peak. It was built during the Kaiyuan period of the Tang Dynasty and is called Chongsheng Temple. The three pagodas in front of the temple stand like a tripod. The middle pagoda is the tallest, square, and has twelve floors, so it is called the three pagodas today. The tower is surrounded by tall pine trees rising into the sky. Entering through the mountain gate in the west of the temple, there is a bell tower facing the three towers, which is extremely majestic; but the walls on all four sides have collapsed, and half of the tiles on the eaves have fallen off, making it in danger. There is a very large bronze bell in the building, with a diameter of about one foot and a wall thickness of one foot. It was cast during the Montessori period. The bell can be heard eighty miles away. Behind the bell tower is the main hall. Behind the hall are many steles, among which are the four steles written by Huang Hua and engraved by Li Zhongxi. Behind the stele is the Yuzhu Guanyin Hall, a standing statue made of copper, three feet high. When casting, the mold was divided into three sections. The lower part of the shoulders was cast first and the copper was used up. Suddenly, copper rain like beads fell from the sky. Everyone melted the copper beads with their hands, and the head of the bronze statue was completed. Department, hence the name. The statues of gods in the corridors on the left and right sides of the temple are also very neat, but the corridors collapsed and cannot protect them from the wind and rain. Go up the stone steps from the back to the Pure Land Monastery, which is the residence of the abbot. The front hall has three bays. Behind the Buddha's seat are two huge stones, each seven feet square and about one inch thick, embedded in the wall between the two pillars in the middle. The area to the north has the momentum of distant mountains and vast waters. The flowing water is rippling and twisting, and it is full of wonderful changes. Some are like small boats docked among misty oases. The southern part is a landscape with many peaks and mountains. Its diffuse clouds and smoke have different shades, each reaching a state of perfection. These two stone slabs and the withered plum pattern pedestal in the mosque are the oldest pieces of marble. The mosque is inside the south gate. There is a screen-like stone tablet inside the second gate. On the north-facing side of the tablet base, there is a plum blossom hanging upside down on the stone base. The color of the stone is dim, but the traces of the branches reveal a trace of white. Although there are no flowers, it has the artistic conception of painting. Among the newly quarried stones, none are as beautiful as the stones that Zhang Zhifu, the prefect of Shuning, stored in the Dakong Mountain Tower. Some of them are extremely wonderful and surpass the old stones. Therefore, I understand that the creation of the Creator is becoming more and more wonderful. From now on, all the paintings of painters are vulgar, and the painting world can be abolished. The largest stone named Zhang has a diameter of two feet and about fifty pieces. Each piece is very strange and is a wonderful landscape painting. High peaks lead to ravines, waterfalls chase clouds and mist, and snow-covered cliffs are reflected. In the water, there are layers upon layers, the distance is clear and the distance is clear, the strokes are clever and strange, the clouds are alive, the flowing water has sounds, it is not just colorful. There is another main hall behind the front hall. There is a white camellia tree in the courtyard. The flowers are as big as red camellias, and the flowers are arranged in clusters like red camellias. The flowers have not yet finished blooming. To the north of Pure Land Monastery, there is another monastery. The stone courtyard steps inside and outside the Buddhist temple are all paved with marble. The square stones are as big as square bricks. They were also made in the old times; but the mosque is newly made. , use marble to make railing walls.
In front of this nunnery is the Yuhuang Pavilion Taoist Temple, and the entrance is through the arch on the east side of the front hall. There are three floors of the temple, and there are pavilions behind it. However, there is not a single Taoist priest left to stay. The temple is empty and the door has collapsed, which is very disappointing.