Can a company name contain Chinese characters and numbers such as 十十, etc.?

The company name in China must be in standardized simplified Chinese. It cannot be Arabic numerals, foreign languages, etc., nor can it be "first, second..."

But you can choose a name. For:

Beijing 2711 Cultural Communication Co., Ltd. or Beijing 2711 Cultural Communication Co., Ltd.

Beijing 85 Times Cultural Communication Co., Ltd. or Beijing 85 Times Cultural Communication Co., Ltd. Co., Ltd.

As for numbers, only former military industrial enterprises had 361°. It uses trademarks as its specific name, and Article 8 of my country's Trademark Law clearly stipulates that numbers can be used as trademarks. Registration, and a registered trademark can also be used as a business name. At this time, the numbers in the business name are no longer simple numbers but registered trademarks with significant distinction.