Gengyin, Yiyou, Wuyin, Dingsi, 2 fire, 1 earth, 2 gold, 0 water, 3 wood, lack of water. Avoid metal, water, and wood, prefer fire and earth. The name can be added with the radicals of earth, mountain, stone, fire, day, heart, horse, light, and D, such as Sheng, Jia, Shan, Yi, Shi, Yan, Yan, Ling, Yu, Ming, Qing, Jing, Xin, Nian, Si, Yi, Jun, Yao, Ning, etc., look it up in the dictionary. Such as surname + earth + fire, surname + fire + earth, surname + fire, surname + fire + fire, surname + fire + other, surname + other + fire, surname + earth, surname + earth + earth, surname + earth + other , surname + other + soil, these combinations are all acceptable, regardless of the order of the two characters.