The ugly branch of the earth did not apply for the sea at noon.
Zombies, cows, tigers, rabbits, dragons, snakes, horses, sheep, monkeys, chickens, dogs and pigs.
The five elements belong to water, earth, wood, wood, earth, fire, earth, gold, earth and water.
As can be seen from the above, the five elements of a chicken are gold. The five elements belong to the golden king and the baby girl: Wang Yongli Wang Luna, Wang Siwei, Wang Hongli, Wang Hao Yue, Hao Yue, Jiayan Wang, Wang Yuli and Wang Shumei.
Wang Yingli Wang Yingli Wang Xianying Wang Zhimei Wang Xiuye Wang Wang Yiying
Wang Wang Wang Wang Wang Qianye Wang Liye Wang Jieting
Wang Wang Yan hong Wang Wang Wang Wang Wang
Wang Quanying Wang Wang Shuna Wang Wang.
Wang Mingli, Wang Qingyan, Wang Qingyan, Wang Xuerong, Wang Huina, Wang Qiaoqian, Wang Yafen, Wang He and Wang belong to chickens. What words should not be used to name them? People who belong to the chicken don't like to see the zigzag of the heart moon, because the glyph above represents the meaning of a piece of meat, but chickens are vegetarian and don't eat meat. If you give them meat to eat, they will be unwilling, dissatisfied and disappointed, but they are helpless. Such as: Zhi Zhong Si Heng Tianci Huitai Ken Hu Nengxiu.
People who are chickens don't like the shapes of big, monarch, emperor and king, because chickens are often sacrificed or eaten by others when they grow up, and they will pay more for others in their lives. Such as: Qi Qi Qin Ying Yao Pu Huanqiong.
People who belong to the chicken don't like people with zigzag feet, because if the chicken's feet are separated, it means sick chicken and unhealthy. Chickens had better be independent and don't like to see forked feet. For example, Wenliang Garden should be recharged before baking.
People who are chickens don't like to see dogs, dogs and dogs, because dogs and dogs mean dogs, and because the unity of the earth and shackles is six evils. As the old saying goes, a golden rooster meets a dog and tears double. It means that dogs will run after chickens and make them restless. The lion of spades is fierce, but still brave.