Solution of crochet process

The tutorial and illustrations of crochet are as follows:


2. Hook four stitches from the long needle in the middle of the hook, and hook three layers (small rectangular petals larger than the previous petals are also hooked out), then lock the needle along the small rectangular petals and return to the next pinhole. Hook five slightly larger petals according to this method of hooking rectangular petals.

3. Start to hook five long needles in the middle until it reaches the third floor (small rectangular petals larger than the previous petals are also hooked out), then lock the needles along the small rectangular petals and return to the next pinhole. According to this method of hooking rectangular petals, hook six slightly larger petals.

4. Hook six stitches from the long needle in the middle of the hook and hook three layers (hook out a small rectangular petal one size larger than the last petal), then lock the needle along the small rectangular petal and return to the next pinhole, and hook out three large petals according to this method of hooking rectangular petals.

5. Pay attention to the cross of petals here, and lock the needle along the other side of the flower pattern in advance in the first step, which can facilitate the final fixation of the flower shape. Tidy up the edges of the hooked petals and wrap them into a ring. Continue to gather clockwise in the middle.

6. Set the shape of the finished product, then sew it from the bottom with a needle and thread, and a beautiful flower will be woven.